Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jillian Merdak

A quiet day

  • Had a visit with a friend who I havent seen in a while, glad she came by, I have been thinking about her latley and with life being so hectic these past few months, its been hard keeping in touch with alot of people...glad she is doing okay, alot better then she was doing, also very glad her son , who has had a troubled past, has changed his life and is actually doing very well. he got a very good job and is happy. 

    Got some news that , that usual negative family member has alot to say about me...like usual...I wish she could find happiness within herself, so she could stop being so negative within herself... or maybe she just needs to grow up...

    Tim is sleeping..so much for spending the day together, but he has to be in work overnight, and I have housework to do...ahhhh the Priestess is gunna clean house   lol