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Tony Villari

Chivalry Is Not Dead!

  • I've received my share of odd looks from ladies, the young and old, usually when I stop to hold open a door for them or offer assistance with a heavy bag. I think I get the odd looks because, at first, they don't know how to respond, and then they're not sure what to say.  As if saying "thank you" had been forgotten, or never learned.  One young lady was shocked when, as we were both entering the medical center, I said, "Good morning!"  She checked me twice before smiling and saying she hadn't heard that from anyone in a long time.  The older ladies tend to say they thought chivalry was dead. My stock response to them is that it's just hiding inside older handsome men, like me. It usually gets a chuckle from them, but I'm not sure that's a good thing. The younger ladies wonder what I'm after, and I think the older ladies wish I were after... I'd rather not imagine. I'm flattered but, in all humility, no.  We need to get over ourselves.


    Chivalry isn’t dead, it’s in hiding.  Perhaps it hides in the balance of this post, which I just know you are dying to read.  So be it!  To continue on, please follow the attached link: Chivalry Is Not Dead