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Sean Snarr-Jones

21 Days of Prayer: Day 10

  • HI. I tried to post this earlier today, but ran into some difficulty for some reason.

    God is everywhere!

    You may notice at times I choose not to use the word "god". I realized at a time in my spiritual growth, some time ago, the the Christian god I had grown up with had severe handicaps and limitations. Somehow I had come to associate the word with an old man, watching me diligently, critisizing my every move, making notes, deciding wether or not some people were worthy and others were not. That hell would consume those that did not accept Jesus as his son, "the one and only savior" of humanity. I have come to know that the Divine could not be so petty as we humans here. and that interpretation from one human to the next has a tendency to lose ... the meaning so to speak.

    Today, the Divine, the unlimited Love, the unlimited mind that thought all of creation, could never, would never, be conditional in it's devotion or love of all  things. And that may makes heart soar and long to be closer, and grown up ... just like it!




    Just For Today “21 Days of Prayer-Day 10”

    Meditative Thought: Prayer Treatment Step 2 - Recognition: The next step of the prayer treatment is Recognition. Because God is everywhere present, this energy is governing the prayer. God is the force that is everywhere, always active, all-powerful, and all knowing. The simple statement that “God is,” is recognition. When we awaken to the fact that God is all-inclusive; we begin to see God everywhere. God is all there is.

    Spiritual Assignment: Today, actively recognize the activity of God. This is a practice that requires work.

    Affirmations: Just for today, I recognize God to be all there is. Amen.

    Skip Jennings
    The Urban Mystic
    Light Coach and Reiki Healer