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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Deadly Double Standard


    Wednesday, August 9, 2017


    Proverbs 16:11 speaks about double standards. In many hospitals, there are two doors. One door is prenatal care, where everything is devoted to the carrying of unborn babies. The doctors are devoted to making sure the unborn baby’s needs are met. Through the other door, there are no doctors devoted to ensuring the unborn baby is healthy. Beyond this door, the baby is not safe. The doctors, rooms, and machines are wholly devoted to the killing of the baby— abortion. It could be the same baby, if a mother changes her mind. It all depends on which door the mother enters. Through one door, the baby is protected, through the other door, the same baby becomes the victim of a killing. How can that same baby’s life be priceless in one door and worthless in the other? When there are two sets of weights and values, you have a double standard. Do not get used to the double standard in regards to life. Uphold God’s standard. Be a person for righteousness and life. No matter what changes in society, you hold to what is true. From Message #965 - The Weights of the Bag 
    Scripture: Lev. 19:36

    TODAY'S MISSION - Today, hold to what is righteous and speak up for what is true.

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn