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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • All That is to you
    Tuesday, June 27, 2023
    In Hebrew, there's no real word for "have". "Have" really means "to". You don't have a car, but the car is to you. You don't have a house, but the house is to you. In other words, they're "for" you. God promises to work all things together for your good. The choice here is, you have it or it is for you. If you have possessions, then your possessions won't be for you, they'll actually be against you, to weigh you down. Let go of your possessions and they'll be for you, to bless you. Stop saying, "I have a problem'. Rather, say "the problem is to me, for me." If it doesn't belong to you, then it can work for your good. Give up ownership, then past mistakes and failures are going to work for your good. Let go of the burdens, the future, the past, desires, hurts, or bitterness. In the Holy language of the Bible, you don't have anything but a promise of something better. When you let go of those things in God, they won't weigh you down anymore. They'll be from now on, for you.
    From Message #463 - The Divine Non-Possessive
    Today's Mission
    Let go of all ownership today, even of your problems. And see, and receive, all things today as gifts from God, for your good and your blessing.
    Scripture: Romans 8:28
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn