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Tom Asdell

So What Is Magic, Anyway?

  • This was originally posted in a Yahoo group by me in reply to a guy who stated that the only thing he did that he would call magic was his painting, but I think it fills in at least some of the gaps I left when I was talking about the use of Magic in Witchcraft


    Back there in post #2713, you observed that the only thing you did that might be called magic is your painting (if I'm reading it aright).  You also talked about not having a rigid belief system being a way to keep open to the changes around you.  I want to use those two concepts as a springboard into this next bit, the Nature of Magic (which is a reversable term, the Magic of Nature works as well).
    Since I'm writing, I get to chose the definitions ;-) well, at least for this post, if any of this really bugs somebody (you know... "hey, this guys fulla s*&^.") please post your way of seeing things here.  One of the things to realize when stuck with using words as your media is that each one (to varying degrees) has a different meaning to other people.  In order to communicate, you've got to get your head around the ideas behind the words.
    I think that Painting, like any other art or science, has magical potential.  So does everything else.  Unfortunately, in our ('modern western mindset') system, the 'trialectic' (if I can't find a word, I'll make one up... I have no shame) of mind - body - soul tends to cheapen the wonder and awe that we should have for the physical (or 'mundane') world, placing what I believe to be unfair emphasis on the magic inherent in the mental and spiritual realms.
    I have a flexible belief system also, so I think I know where you are coming from with your comments on that, but I don't think that it is a good path for everyone.  Some people need the strictness of a narrow path to maintain their 'sanity', so I'm still for organized religions (even with some people abusing them the way they do).
    Now that I'm getting warmed up with several statements waving in the breeze with no visible means of support, I guess I should be moving along to the main point of this post.
    What is Magic?
    You probably know Crowley's definition of Magick, "The act of bringing the outside world into accordance with the will of the Magician", which should cover everything from getting out of bed in the morning, to switching on an electric light, to a full ceremonial magick rite... but excludes prestidigitation???? how's that work?  No, if the alteration of reality to fit the will is magic, then the differences between stage magic and so-called 'real magick' are only superficial.
    Mr Crowley is well known for booby-trapping his writings so that those who follow things blindly will have problems (great bit in Sybil Leek's 'Diary of a Witch' about Crowley, seems he used to be a regular visitor of her parents, "Uncle Aliester was such a nice man before he went crazy.").  I believe that his definition of magick, along with the 'k' on the end is just such a trap.  Enough truth to suck you in, and a little hook for those who don't think about what they are reading.  Here's the answer to that particular puzzle...  Magic is not only a verb.
    Are you at all familiar with the disputed physics 'unified field theory'?  As I understand it, this refers to an underlying field (as yet unquantified) which is the 'common denominator' of gravity, electromagnetic radiation, subatomic particles, the structure of space and the flow of time (could be behind the times on this, it's been awhile since I read up on it).  Anyway, in my model of Magic, this hypothetical field is the physical manifestation of Magic, as Bonewit's version of 'collective unconsciousness' is the Mental, and Nirvana is the Spiritual.  All three together, however do not encompass Magic, they only indicate the direction in which one can search to find it.  Any definition falls short, as does any concrete visualization.  The very act of definition creates boundaries, and Magic has none, it can be experienced, but it cannot be defined or even well described *grin* and we're not even talking about God(s) yet.
    The thing that can be done with art and science combined is to inspire the soul to reach out for magic, the end of the wiccan "Charge of the Goddess" is a good example:
    "I who am the beauty of the green earth: and the white Moon amongst the stars: and the mystery of the waters: and the desire of the heart of man, call unto thy soul; arise, and come unto me. For I am the soul of nature who giveth life to the universe; from me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of gods and men, thine inmost divine self shall be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite. 
    Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth: for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals: and therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you. 
    And thou who thinkest to seek for me: know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not: unless thou knowest the mystery; that if that which thou seekest thee findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee. 
    For behold: I have been with thee from the beginning: and I am that which is attained at the end of desire." 
    Pictures, Music, Stories (not just 'recognized' myths) all are part of Magic, and those which speak to your soul are signposts on your own personal path to it.  As I hope I've described, there is no arriving at the destination called 'Magic' for any finite being, it is an infinite journey of discovery and wonder...
    Everything exists.  If this (as I believe) is true, then there are bad things out there.  They can be as attractive as the good things, and can lead you into places where you cause much more harm than if you concentrate on the good stuff.  This is why (and I can not emphasize this enough) a code of ethics is a indispensable tool in your magical progress.
    If anyone needs a quick ethical ruler, I suggest the 'Golden Rule' - 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." or the 'Wiccan Rede' - 'An it harm none, do as thou wilt.' 


    Just as an example, this means no mind control folks... 


    For instance, getting a particular lover to come to you is not ethical.  No matter how much you force them to enjoy it, it's still rape. 


    Opening your life to the opportunity of finding your love is a completely different thing, and will pay off much better in the long run.

  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel i agree, however, i also believe that their areal ways exception to the rules,lol. If he situation is extreme and will cause serious harm to another or themselves, I will use magick to try and stop it. Magic on our children with pure intentions, I also fe...  more
    October 9, 2011
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel the basics of magick are simply aligning energy with intention to the universe. I like to call them "very powerful prayers" because to me, even when my power is joined with the Divine, if it goes against what it already destined to happen, then those safe...  more
    October 9, 2011
  • Tom Asdell
    Tom Asdell Oh I'm 100% behind the reality of "exceptions to the rules" - nothing can be written down that will cover all situations! I see ethics as the guidelines which keep us doing the best we can, not as rigid laws that stifle creation. - My main point in this ...  more
    October 9, 2011
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel completley, and I agree 100% :)
    October 9, 2011