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Rev. Suzanne Ranu

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  • Today, I went out to breakfast with a friend and noticed few people talking to each other as their heads were all bent over their cell phones. So later while out shopping I decided to sit and just watch people for awhile.  I noticed that the majority of the people walking by had their heads down playing with their phones. Ignoring their children, husbands, wives, girlfriends or boyfriends. Not watching where they were going and nearly walking into people or walls.  Not watching or being aware of what was going on around them.. When I left I noticed people on the phone driving in their cars (hand held) which is also illegal and again ignoring their families in the car.  Now don't get me wrong I own a cell phone and carry it with me in my purse but I don't need to be on it every second of the day.  If I am with family or friends I pay attention to them not the cell phone.  Unless I am specificily waiting for a call or txt message, it can wait and the calls I do take are short and sweet.  I don't understand how you can be so into the phone that you forget to pay attention to your family.  Parents driving kids to school at 7:30 in the morning are on the phone, picking them up from school on the phone, at the playground on the phone.  I want to say to them pay attention to your family, they grow so quickly, that chit chat with your friend can wait, that game you are playing can wait,  watch your children, talk to your children, because someday you are going to turn around and the children will be grown and gone and you can never get their childhood back.  How will you see if your children are hurting, happy, how will you see if your husband or wife needs you if all you do is bend your head over the phone.  I know some people will not agree with me and some will.  I love the cell phone it gives me assurance while I am traveling, that I can reach out and talk to my children, get pictures of grandkids but you know what when I am with family and friends I pay attention to them not the phone.  Well thank you for letting me get my little rant out.. Wishing you all many blessings.