Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Suzanne Ranu


  • Today I was talking to several different people at a breakfast meeting about a subject that I have always wondered about.


    Why do some people think they are better than others.  Was it in their childhood, school, friends or something else. 


    My mother & father always said everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time and no one is better than anyone else. This is how I was raised and almost everyone I grew up with was raised the same.  The ditch digger was to be respected just as the mayor of the town was to be respected. The doctors, lawyers, ministers never acted like they were better than anyone else. The rich and the poor where both treated with respect.


    So how did this happen?  When and how did people start thinking they were better, were smarter than others.  Again, the accountant is smarter in accounting then a doctor and a doctor is smarter in medicine then an attorney and the attorney is smarter in law then the & the list goes on. 


    Now the other thing we talked about was why can't people except who they are, be proud of their heritage and why do people always want to be something they are not?


    I admire many different cultures and honor them but I love and cherish my heritage. Have done research on my family.  On my mothers side I have been able through the internet and the family Bible been able to trace as far back as the early 1600's. On my faithers side not as lucky as my grandmothers people came over in the early 1800's and my grandfathers family came over in the late 1800's so till searching on them in the native countries.


    So why can't people be happy with who they? Why can't they except who they are and be happy with that? Looking into your heritage can be exciting and also make you proud of your ancestors, take that knowledge and run with it. To wish you were someone else is to slap your ancestors in the face and disrespect them. Teach your children so they can pass it on to their children so your family history lives on and on. 


    So the age old questions of what makes people think they are better than others and why can't people be happy in thier own skin may never be answered and will leave us just to ponder life...


    Blessings to all.

  • Rev. Suzanne Ranu
    Rev. Suzanne Ranu Pow wow medicine/magick is what the Germans/Europeans brought over here when they settled in the new world. It is old religion but now most who practice pow wow medicine are christians. They did mix some healing/magick knowledge with the natives here how...  more
    October 14, 2013 - 2 like this
  • kiwani  [e.lawson]
    kiwani [e.lawson] all of that can really be considered the Old Religion... it is of the Earth.. the Celts, Scots, Irish, Saxons, Gaels, Welsh, Brits all had it, and all of that is similar to all Eastern religions, Australian Aboriginal, Canadian & Alaskan Eskimo/Aleuts & I...  more
    October 14, 2013 - 1 likes this
  • Rev. Suzanne Ranu
    Rev. Suzanne Ranu That is so but the pow wow is mostly German and taught by Germans here in PA. They also want you to know the German language because that is how they teach it..
    October 14, 2013
  • kiwani  [e.lawson]
    kiwani [e.lawson] ~another possible answer &/or contributing factor could be: 1) when was money/trade first invented? 1a) when did hierarchal structure of leadership first begin -and get worse- 2) When did capitalism take hold..? ..... all of these things are separators & ...  more
    October 14, 2013 - 1 likes this