Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Suzanne Ranu


  • Yesterday at the para legal meeting, I was talking to a woman who lives in the area of NJ that I used to live... We had a nice conversation about the area and then she asked me a question, "How do you do it after everything you have been through in your life how do you keep smiling?"  "Why are you not bitter".


    I smiled at her and said, my faith, my Creator got me through those times. 


    Oh I will admit that I was down for the count when I was abandoned at 8 mos. pregnant by my ex-husband of less than a year. But with the strengh of the Creator I pulled the boot straps up and did what I had to do to support myself and my son.


    I will admit that I was knocked through a loop when my ex- husband brought home his mistress to meet the family and after 17 years I booted him out of the house and he took all the money and left us high and dry... But again with the strengh of the Creator, I pulled the boot straps up and did what I had to do to support myself and now 3 children.


    I admit that my world came crashing down when my  husband  died suddenly and I thought I would never go on,  I functioned everyday for my children... to keep the family going through this time and yes it took time for me to heal... the Creator had his work cut out for him and slowly worked his healing into me by many people along the way.


    I was again knocked down when my grandson died and as I comforted my son and daughter-in-law the Creator was also there for them.....


    I told this woman that many times I had to decide whether to buy milk or bread for my children and peanut butter was a staple, only the fireplace heated the house in the winter,  but somehow the Creator got me through. 


    She smiled and said thank you, that I had just helped her as she had had a crisis and was having trouble dealing with it...and losing her faith in the Creator and other people...


    I told her many times I questioned and even yelled at the Creator but you know what He is okay with us yelling at Him in times of trouble, He understands...  And with all the things I went through and trust me there other things I did not list here, I have learned to be more understanding more adaptable so that when I counsel people, I can understand what they are going through so that I may help them get through their burdens.


    I know that I will probably face more burdens, but I know the Creator will be with me and this is what gives me strengh to face whatever lies ahead on this great adventure of ours...


    So my good friends here, the point of this blog is to let you know that the Creator helps me everyday and he will help you too if you believe in him.  


    The truth is if you look around you there are people who have it worse than you..


    Blessings to you all.