Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Oracle C.T. Webb

LIFE: Get inspired.

  • As creatures of habit, we can get trapped in a “think/belief rut” as I like to call it. What this means is that we can get in the habit of allowing negative thinking to dominate us and as a result, we sink lower and lower into disappointment and frustration. 

    One way to replace the negative with positive is to read and/or listen to encouraging literature. Our nation has multitudes of self-help, inspirational, and motivational books, videos, and audios so finding resources is easy. I assure you that listening to positive information over and over can help you change your thinking from negative to positive and give you hope. I like to find a variety of inspiring quotes, print them out, post them around my house, and memorize them. This helps me to redefine my mind and not allow negativity to camp out. 

    ©2010-2012 Oracle Claretta Taylor Pam, Global Ecumenical Ministries Inc. and Universal Life Church Monastery of Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved