Posted by Oracle C.T. Webb
June 27, 2012 -
I’ve heard that what we focus on, we empower and enlarge so if we find ourselves being negative, we actually invite more things in our lives that will attract negative thoughts and feelings. Negativity tends to distort our reality and oftentimes we find ourselves thinking irrationally. I mean, really, how many times have we told ourselves, “This is so terrible and I can’t handle it!” but in reality, we could and did handle it and it wasn’t “so bad” after all”.
Reality tells us that life isn’t normally quite as terrible as we think. To become more positive, I encourage you to sit down and make a gratitude list. List the things you are grateful for in your life whether it be attributes, people, relationships, material things, etc. Everyone has at least one thing to be grateful for. Making a gratitude list and looking at it frequently will help you to focus on the positive things in your life.
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