Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Kevin Johnson

Virtual Clothesline

  • National Domestic Violence Month

    The Clothesline Project

    The Clothesline The Clothesline Domestic Violence Information The Clothesline

    'one in four women will be physically or sexually assaulted by a partner at some point in her lifetime' Presidential Proclomation

    The U.S. Congress passed Public Law 101-112 in 1989, designating October, National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Each year since, similiar legislation has passed each year since.

    Break the Cycle T-shirt According to the Men's Rape Prevention Project, 58,000 soldiers died in the Vietnam War, during the same period of time, 51,000 women were killed. The majority of these women were killed by someone who supposedly loved them. This statistic became the driving force behind a coalition of women's groups on Cape Cod Massachusetts. Their goal to create an a program to educate, and break the silence, bearing witness to this problem - violence against women.

    Break the Silence T-shirt The Clothesline Project was born to allow victims and survivors of domestic abuse a means for 'telling' their story and making others more aware of this problem. A colorful and eye-catching event, it calls attention to a situation which we all need be aware of, know how to recognize, and avoid! Let your 'voice' be heard and be not only a part of the problem, but a part of the solution!

    Respect T-shirt The Vine and Branches Ministry is working with others in an effort to raise awareness, promote education and support of Domestic Abuse against women, this October to coincide with national Domestic Abuse month. In conjunction with this event, the Vine and Branches Ministry will sponsor a virtual clothesline on the website for those who are unable to attend a physical event in the area, or for areas that do not have a 'local' event. The ministry will be sending out 100's of paper t-shirts and also g them available on the website for download and printing to enable others to let their 'voice' be heard and their story known to 'all.' When sending in your t-shirt, please be mindful of these guidelines and suggestions.