This will become a series of blogs for me. I will explain what each of these biblical quotes mean to me, through my perception. If you agree great, if you don’t that’s fine too! This isn’t meant to force anyone to my way of seeing things, it’s only to give you a different take on things and a different way of looking at it, something to ponder and consider. Until we learn to consider each other’s points of view and look at them openly we will get nowhere. This particular scripture has been on my mind a lot lately:
Matthew 18:2-4
King James Version (KJV)
2And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Think about this quote for a moment. What does it mean to be converted? It means to be changed, transformed. What does it mean to be as a little child? As a mother of 5 I’ve spent many years being amazed at the capacity to love that exists in my children. They see no color, they know no fear, they have no ego, and they care not what you believe in or why. My children don’t see the cut of your clothes, the make of your car, the right or wrong of your job. They don’t care if you are heavy or thin, old or young, sad or happy.
Children do not place people in the same categories as we do. They only see what is within your heart. They see the type of person you are. They are open and giving to each person they come into contact with. They have the same capacity for love as our Creators because they haven’t yet been tainted with our worldly perceptions. They haven’t taken our prejudices into their spirits yet and therefore they don’t question a person’s worthiness. Everyone is worthy of their love and acceptance.
Fear is beyond their perception most of the time. They will tumble headlong into danger because they have an absolute sense of protection and safety. They have not yet learned the control mechanisms that we as adults have come to ignore, these controls have become so much a part of us that we don’t even see them any longer. We have forgotten that we are always cared for and protected by our Creators, Angels and guides. Children know this in their hearts even if they can’t verbalize it to us. This is why they are willing to run into the melee that we as adults shy away from. They have no sense of separation because it hasn’t been programmed into them, they still have a solid connection with that love and protection and they stand on the promises of it.
They don’t see themselves as better than anyone else because again, societal rules have no relevance to them as yet. They don’t decide a person’s character at a single glance, they don’t judge based on the circumstances of one’s life, they judge based on the way that they are treated by that person. It matters not if you are in designer clothes or rags, they will treat you just the same. They feel no need to set themselves above or try to outdo each other. Again this is something that comes with age and the influences of society.
This is the message of this biblical passage to me. Love without question, accept without limitations and see each person for the goodness in their spirit rather than through the outer shell and filters that have been place by society. When we can do this, truly and completely we will see as shift in the world. Many of us are reaching this point now and it’s a beautiful thing to me. We are beginning to see the crumbling of religious separation, race separation and social status separation. We still have a long way to go but there is noticeable progress now and it encourages the heart and Spirit.
Learn to have the heart of a child, learn to be without prejudice, fear or ego and you will see huge changes happen within your life. For each of us who does this effects those around us and pushes them to do the same. When those around you see the peace this brings to you and to your life it will encourage them and strengthen them to make their own changes. Know that you are a child of our Creators and that everyone else is too, no matter what path they choose to reach the creator. Know that everyone’s circumstances are different for a reason and accept those differences with love and respect rather than shoving them away with disdain from the lack of likeness to you. Celebrate our differences and love everyone as you yourself wish to be loves, then watch the world change around you and be thankful for it!