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Rick Bailly, RMT

Request for Insights

  • Greetings,

    This post is actually a request for insights on a topic I am usually familiar with. I need to qualify it before I actually ask any questions, so I thank you for your patience.

    When I was growing up I would hang around most with my 2 older sisters. They were both deathly afraid of dogs for some reason and so taught me to be.

    As I grew older I studied the habits of wolves and coyotes, just so I could better understand dogs and overcome my near-phobia. I even took a job in a kennel just to be around them, although this was working mostly with puppies.

    A few years back we visited a farm with a small zoo in central NH. When my family appraoched the wolf pen, the very shy and reclusive inhabitants stood way in back as we walked by. But when i walked by they started charging the chain-link and worked themselves up into quite a frenzy, do to no action on my part.

    A filed ths event under G for "Gee, that was strange" and have since gotten 2 samll breed dogs for my children. I  have no ssues with them as I assume the "alpha male" role.

    Now, here is my quandry: A few weeks ago I passed a local wolf sanctuary and was compelled to go visit although I was not able to at that time as it was closed. It is a popular location with members of my coven but I have never been there. Then just last night we were doing a spirit guide meditation. I know my current spirit guide but this time he was no where to be found. Instead  had a very challenging encounter with a very feral wolf. He did not attack me but resisted all my advances violently, and I left the island/meditation meeting place somewhat shaken.

    I believe my next step is to return to that place again in meditation, but I'm wondering is there more I should be aware of? I am very well versed with spirit guides but am sorely lacking insight with wolf medicine. I gratefully accept any insight you may have on this matter.


  • Mark Sweeney
    Mark Sweeney I think you already hit the needle on the head when you were talking about the 'alpha male' role. Dogs sense emotions and whether you are afraid or not and will provoke you to see if you have fear but are just hiding it. When they are tied up or confine...  more
    March 7, 2011
  • Rick Bailly, RMT
    Rick Bailly, RMT So, maybe I'm being challenged, to prove my worthiness?
    March 7, 2011
  • Mark Sweeney
    Mark Sweeney Totally makes sense. In fact, having you mention it that way makes me realize I have some challenges of my own I need to face up to. Thanks for the perspective!
    March 7, 2011
  • Rev. Suzanne Ranu
    Rev. Suzanne Ranu Wolf is one of my spirit guides, I think Mark is right with the alpha male. Wolf can also smell every odor you emit and knows the state of your mind and heart at any given moment so be attentive with your thoughts when your are visiting him as his pene...  more
    March 7, 2011