Hello friends and all who may read this.
I would like to personally thank the 2 most influential people i've met on this site.
1.) Bishop J.W. Stansell: Thank you brother. Thank you for being the one to welcome me to my new home in this website. Thank you for giving me your insight and helping me. Thank you for being my mentor. It is truly an honor to have you halping me through my path of a Pastor. You are an inspiration to me and probably many others. You deserve my utmost respect and gratitude. I am yours to mold into the very best pastor that I can possibly become. Thank you Brother Stansell, Thank you so much. Bless you with all the blessings that canpossibly be given
Father Gregory: Your words of encouragement, your conversations we share. I am very humbled that you would agree to be one of the 3 mentors I seek. I know not why I seek 3, but it seems right for me. You give me new perspective in our conversations, things i never thought i'd think of in my life.
Thank you both for your help and inspiration