warning, this long,lol...
Times have changed and more and more people are "coming out of the closet" per sey and it's much easier to find groups of where they feel they belong. But religion is religion Many of those religions go so far back that most won't budge from tradition and many who fall more under the "religion" category you pretty much have to follow the rules, if you do veer, it must be done in private. There are some who claim not to be a religion , yet they still follow the customs and traditions of their beliefs, therefore still making it a religion,lol. There's a huge difference between religion and spirituality, though for many, it's through their religion that they express that spirituality . But I think alot of people alot of people are trying a more intimate side to spirituality and are beginning to realize that there may actually be more than what was originally taught and feel the pull within to seek more. This is how I got to my path In the churches I was brought up, I didn't see God or many people that were Godly, I saw on gigantic social event and in order to be truly included, I had to do and say whatever everyone else said and did, yet I still didn't feel like I was a part them And I tried. It was like trying be someone but not really fitting the bill
And then I began to see things, things that people said and did to one another I couldn't understand why the leaders of the church could fraud people and be unfaithful their their spouses and ask the congregation for forgiveness and they were, immediately and without question, yet if another member did only half of this, they were kicked out of the church. This pretty much solidified the "social event" mentality for me.
I tried several different churches and beliefs after that trying to find the one, and realized that I fit many yet I fir none,lol. I was always attracted to witchcraft, more so the rituals and intimacy of the solitary witches. Noone telling them how to worship their gods. The hardest part was accepting the "other gods" part, that I wouldn't compromise on. So I became a witch and not Wicca. This is not to say that their religion is bad, in fact, i love the passion, dedication and sincerity of all of them , but it didn't fit for me. So I have gathered things from this belief and things from that belief and have created a tailor fit belief system that works for me. It scared me to test those boundaries at first, but I knew my Go and I was stright forward with him I realized that God didn't care if I lit candles and created a sacred space or if I bow down in front of the pulpit, so long as I worshiped him with all my heart, he would bless my path.
And he has There was no lightning that struck me and no curse placed upon me, for the first time I could honest worship him in love, not fear, or worrying about someone judging me. My path , to simply put a name to it would either be a Christian Witch, though I'm not sure that really fits either, I kind of like the name Spiritualism, but most associate that with channeling. Though part of my practice, it doesn't really cover all. There is also a path called mysticism, which basically believes that each must find their own path to the divine. So I use all three interchangeably,lol.
When all is said in done, noone will answer for you. You won't have a bunch of people "vouching" for you, God doesn't care, it's about whether you were true to him/her or to "everyone else". We already know where we stand at the moment, so it would be no surprise when we reach the place where we belong. He/she knows where we are at not, nothing will change when we get there. If you are following your heart then you can worship with everything in your heart. And if that is where you are at when you die, then this is what your God will see. If you followed a path similar to mine a long time ago, then you will be questioned on why you followed your fears or followed everyone else and not his spirit that lives within? You may say " because they said so" and he'll look around and simply say "but I don't see anyone".
I figure if God already knows, then I would rather be wrong but at least be able to justify my choices and let it be known my intentions, not just to him but to myself as well. There's no point in denying, there's no point to try and pretend. By being true to ourselves, we can stand before him in truth.
But again, where your heat is at the moment of death is how he will see you. At this moment you already know where you stand because there is no time in heaven. There is no worry or question, you already know. Take a look t where you are now, not what you want to do, but what type of relationship you have? Dous it match up to the relationship in your heart? If not, look deeper within and change this, not their way, but YOUR way. Whichever way that bring you the connection you seek and will be pleasing for both you and your GOd.It's not what we do, it's deeper. If you are married, use this ans an example. The things you do for your husband is not done out of fear or obligation, it's done from love. It's the same with your God. I wish you many blessings on your path.
One more thing, i write this according to my own beliefs and perceptions, please feel to read it in context of your own beliefs and those you worship:)