Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Mystic Angel


  • I can see why so many people are leaving this site. Talk about a serious headache. Everyone standing up to "encourage" Freedom of Religion and when people do it turns into World War 3 and call it " debate". You not only insult my intellegnce, but those you respond to. Even with your big words and "appropriate words" you use to express your dislike, the reality is you are intentionally causing fires and it's always towards the same group of people. Words or no words, the energy is the same. It is mean and disrespectful.  People should not only have the right to their beliefs but should also have the right to EXPRESS their beliefs without ridicule. People should actually take the time to understand the reason behind the post, instead of playing some stupid "word game" because that is all it is, a stupid word game used to sling arrows at a group of people you don't like. You can disagree all you want but actions speak louder than words. This is trollish behavior of fire starters who have nothing better to do then to argue with everyone. If you don't agree, then shut up and move on to the next post, but don't sit there with your big words and edited words to throw your arrows  . IT"S WRONG!!! and this is NOT an opinion! I could care less what you choose to write here, because I won't be responding. Take it, leave it, argue it to the pits of hell, it dousn't make a difference, it's intention, and that intention is so unpure it makes me sick! If you hate life, then deal with it or get a shrink, but don't sit there and bash everyone and crush their spirits all in the name of EGO!  If this applies to you, do what you will. If this dousn't apply , then dismiss and happily move on knowing your a decent human being who actually gives a damn about other people.

  • Nikki Young
    Nikki Young I'm not talking about anything other than the original blog which I was a part of. Anyone else involved can speak for themselves. I don't offend easily :) and I really don't care if anyone disagrees with my stand on things. I am who I am and I believe as ...  more
    July 17, 2011
  • Nikki Young
    Nikki Young I do see the need to change the way we are talking to people to help them better understand what we are saying. Words that inspire negative connotations for any faith are not conducive to any of us. They create immediate anger and hurt feelings. Though I ...  more
    July 17, 2011
  • Nikki Young
    Nikki Young religion in the US. Unfortunately many of us have seen alot more "so called Christians" than people who are truly trying to be "Christ like" which is the point that I'm coming to. If we see the same things that we've been lashed with before coming out aga...  more
    July 17, 2011
  • Nikki Young
    Nikki Young We each choose our battles. I stand behind mine, as do each of us. I would expect nothing less. Blessed Be
    July 17, 2011