Posted by Popette Aeris Sky Ritalee Shotts
June 22, 2011 -
I want to share with you all the ten codes i liveby.
The rule of chivalry by which all Templars are bound consists in six chivalric virtues and ten chivalric orders. The six chivalric virtues are: Prowess at Arms (inquire about what is meant by this), Loyalty, Generosity, Moderation, Courtesy, Honor. The ten chivalric orders are:
1. You shall believe the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Christian Faith expressed in the Apostles' Creed (Symbolum Apostolorum), and pray thrice daily.
2. You shall defend the Holy Name of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ, and defend all His Christian people.
3. You shall respect and defend the weak, the sick, and the needy.
4. You shall patriotically love and protect your own country.
5. You shall not retreat from combat with Satan and his demons, nor from combat with those under their control or influence.
6. You shall ceaselessly oppose Evil and Deceit.
7. You shall perform scrupulously your civic duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God.
8. You shall never lie, and shall remain faithful to your pledged word.
9. You shall be prudently generous to all and give alms and aid.
10. You shall be everywhere and always the champion of Right, Good, Love, and Tolerance against Injustice, Evil, Hatred, and Bigotry.