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Was jesus pagan?

  • Thirteen reasons why Jesus, if he were here today, would be a Witch
    by Carl McColman, author of Embracing Jesus and the Goddess

    No single one of these reasons prove the Witchiness of Jesus; but taken
    as a whole, they make for a compelling case.

    1. Jesus criticized the hypocrisy and legalism of the religious status
    quo, and chose to embrace an alternative spiritual path. Matthew
    23:1-36. In Jesus' day, the religious establishment included the
    Pharisees and Sadducees, dominant factions in first century Judaism.
    Jesus' alternative path followed the radical teachings of his mentor,
    John the Baptist. Nowadays, in Europe and the Americas the status quo is
    mainly Christianity; the path of the Goddess -- Wicca -- is one of the
    most compelling of available spiritual alternatives. Many people who
    embrace Wicca have the exact same criticisms of Christianity that Jesus
    is said to have had about the religious establishment in his day.
    Hypocrisy, legalism, blind obedience of the rules to the point of
    ignoring spiritual values like love, trust, and freedom -- these are the
    problems Jesus attacked in the official religion in his day, and that
    many Wiccans today see in the religious status quo of our time. Perhaps
    Jesus, were he here today, would join Wiccans in criticizing mainstream
    religion and trying to find an alternative way.

    2. Jesus was a psychic healer. Luke 6:19; John 9:1-12. Luke comments
    that "all in the crowd were trying to touch him, for power came out from
    him and healed all of them." And John recounts how Jesus made a magic
    healing paste by mixing his saliva with soil from our Mother, the Earth.
    For Jesus, healing was a central part of his spiritual identity.
    Witches, likewise, rely on herbal wisdom, natural foods, and psychic
    practices like reiki to bring healing and comfort to themselves and
    their loved ones. Sadly, the Christian religion rarely encourages its
    followers to take responsibility for their own healing, but rather
    colludes with a medical establishment that keeps people passive in
    regard to their own wellness. Jesus the healer has much more in common
    with Wiccan healers than with church-going "patients."

    3. Jesus acknowledged the divinity within each person. John 10:34-36.
    All he was doing was quoting the Psalms, but Jesus emphasized it: "You
    are gods." Throughout the Bible, Jesus uses mystical language to
    illustrate the essential unity between humanity and divinity. How sad
    that the church founded in his name lost that sense of human divinity,
    and has instead stressed the "fallenness" and "separation" that keeps
    humanity alienated from the divine. Incidentally, this is an indirect
    affirmation of Goddess spirituality, as well -- for if we are gods, as
    Jesus quoting the scripture insists, then both men and women partake of
    the godly nature; implying therefore that God encompasses both the
    masculine and feminine dimension of life. So the "God" whom Jesus
    worships incorporates both the God and the Goddess as revered by

    4. Jesus lived close to nature. Matthew 8:20; Mark 1:12-13; 3:13; Luke
    4:42; John 18:1. Jesus took a vision quest in the wilderness; he loved
    to pray in the mountains, slept in gardens, and made a point of telling
    his followers that he had no house to live in. Frankly, it's hard to
    imagine him driving an SUV or worshiping in an air conditioned church.
    If Jesus were here today, I suspect he'd live in an ecologically
    sustainable intentional community, and he'd advocate a sacred duty to
    the Earth with the same zeal which which he advocated care for the poor
    and the downtrodden.

    5. Jesus believed in magic. Matthew 7:7-11. Only he called it prayer.
    "How many of you, if your child asks for a fish, will give them a
    stone?" "If you ask for it in my name, it will be done." Church-goers
    often see magic as different from prayer, because prayer is timid and
    uncertain: "Not my will, but thine." By contrast, magic assumes that the
    Divine Spirit loves us and wants to bless us in accordance with our
    highest desires. When Jesus prayed, he prayed with confidence, not
    timidity. And he taught his followers to do the same. Nowadays, magic
    may have fancy window dressing (light this candle, recite this
    incantation, etc.) but it still comes down to the same thing: making a
    request for spiritual blessing. Jesus' vision of prayer is like Wicca's
    vision of magic: it's based on trust and love, unlike the prayer of
    church religion, which is based on fear, self-criticism and self-doubt.

    6. Jesus could command the weather. Matthew 8:23-27. Witches have a
    long-standing reputation for being able to conjure up storms and
    otherwise control the weather. Jesus, like any accomplished
    weather-witch, possessed a similar set of skills. He did this both
    actively (like when he calmed the storm out in the Sea of Galilee) and
    indirectly (as he was dying, he caused darkness to reign in the middle
    of the day).

    7. Jesus had a profound relationship with the elements. Matthew
    14:22-26; Luke 3:16; Luke 8:22-25; John 9:6. Jesus could walk on water;
    he could command the wind; he baptized with fire, and he used the soil
    of the Earth to make healing pastes. His spirituality was primal and
    grounded in the power of the elements. Modern-day Christianity is
    abstract, sterile, and anti-septic -- it is a religion of books, words,
    and mental concepts. But Jesus, like most modern-day Wiccans, found
    vitality in the energies of the natural world.

    8. Like a shaman, Jesus could channel spirits. Mark 9:2-8. One of the
    most profound stories in the Bible is that of the transfiguration, when
    Jesus conjured the spirits of Moses and Elijah. To his followers, this
    demonstrated Jesus' authority as a spiritual leader. Later on, Jesus
    tells his followers that they will do greater works than his (John
    14:12); ironically, though, Christianity does not permit its followers
    to invoke or conjure spirits. But invocation of benevolent spirits has
    been a part of shamanic spirituality since the dawn of humankind, and
    modern-day Witches follow in this shamanistic tradition when they Draw
    Down the Moon and the Sun, calling the spirit of Goddess and God into
    their Circles.

    9. Jesus was comfortable with sensuality and eroticism. Luke 7:36-50.
    One night, while dining at a respectable home, Jesus received a sensuous
    foot washing from a woman, who used oil and her hair to wipe the
    teacher's feet. The host and the other guests were scandalized, but
    Jesus saw it as a perfectly lovely statement of affection and
    hospitality. In fact, when comments were made to Jesus, he responded by
    saying basically, "What's your problem?" Alas, the religion that bears
    his name has evolved into an erotically-repressed spirituality, more
    like Jesus' uptight host than Jesus himself. Paganism and Wicca,
    meanwhile, are spiritual systems that celebrate sensuality, sexuality,
    and the basic goodness of pleasure. Jesus, who got criticized for being
    a pleasure lover himself (Matthew 11:19), would no doubt be at home in
    Wicca's celebration of the goodness of nature and the body.

    10. In his own way, Jesus practiced the Wiccan Rede. Matthew 5:21-22;
    Matthew 22:33; John 8:32. The core ethical principle in Wicca is the
    Rede: "If you harm none, do what you will." There's two components to
    this teaching: non-harm, and freedom. It's a basic principle; you have
    spiritual freedom, but not to the point of harming your self or others.
    Compare this to several of Jesus' teachings. Matthew tells us that Jesus
    was so committed to the principle of non-harm that he regarded the
    intent to do violence as bad as violence itself. Meanwhile, John quotes
    Jesus as saying "Truth sets you free." But what is the truth that sets
    us free? The truth of love, trust, healing, and divine grace; in other
    words, the universal truths that can be found in any spiritual path. The
    opposite of harm is love. "Harm none" is another way of saying "Love
    your neighbor as yourself."

    11. In his own way, Jesus advocated Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
    Matthew 5:48; Luke 6:32-36; Luke 12:22-34. John quotes Jesus as saying
    "Do not let your hearts be troubled" and "love one another as I have
    loved you." Throughout the Gospels, Jesus says "Do not be afraid." He
    suggests his disciples "become like little children" -- in other words,
    be trusting and open-hearted. It's such a simple message, and today
    Wicca embodies the spirit of perfect love and trust; indeed, traditional
    covens require the phrase "Perfect Love and Perfect Trust" as a password
    to gain entry into circle. Christianity, meanwhile, preaches a message
    based on perfect anger and perfect fear: God is wrathful, and unless a
    person is fearfully obedient, he or she will be tortured for eternity.
    That's the opposite of what Jesus stood for. Love and trust leads to
    healing and liberation, whereas fear of judgment leads to depression and
    spiritual passivity.

    12. His enemies accused Jesus of being under the influence of demons.
    John 8:48; John 10:20. It's an old tactic. When the people who have
    religious power want to dismiss their critics, they accuse the critics
    of being demonically possessed. That's what the Pharisees said about
    Jesus, and nowadays that's what the religious right says about Wicca.
    Jesus was someone who loved the average person on the street, but had
    little patience for religious bigotry and self-righteousness. No doubt
    Jesus would feel he has more in common with Wiccans than with the
    fundamentalists who attack them.

    13. Jesus was killed, unfairly, for his "blasphemy." Mark 14:63-64.
    Thankfully, Wiccans nowadays don't get burned at the stake. But tens of
    thousands of people -- mostly women -- did get killed in Europe for the
    "crime" of Witchcraft. Even if these people weren't Witches, the fact
    remains: they were brutally murdered for religious reasons. Well -- so
    was Jesus. Modern day Wicca looks to the victims of the Witch burnings
    as heroes of the Goddess faith, just like Christians see in Jesus their
    own spiritual hero. Jesus, meanwhile, was the kind of man who would
    rather side against the killers and the executioners. Given the fact
    that, throughout history, far more Christians have killed Witches than
    vice versa, it's easy to see Jesus embracing the Goddess, working to
    heal her children, and calling those who bear his name to repent of
    their violence.
    About the author: Carl McColman is an independent spiritual writer. His
    books include Embracing Jesus and the Goddess, The Aspiring Mystic, The
    Well-Read Witch, and Spirituality. He lives in Stone Mountain, GA.
    If Jesus Were Here Today, He Would Love the Goddess