This is a free verse (meaning non-rhyming) poem that I wrote back around the time that I first became a Christian. I wrote this probably around the time that I was 14 years old at a Fall Retreat my youth group was having and I wrote it while sitting alone on the bank of a river. It was one of the first times that I ever truly felt connected to God while alone and not in a group setting. I later read it out loud that night and it was a very emotional moment to say the least. I am posting it here because I am proud of it and I still believe it and maybe some of you will like it as well. =)
The Majestic World of God by Michael James Waymire
Gods world is majestic
Full of beauty and prosperity
It is wonderful in its simplicity
and gorgeous in its complications
Many have treaded on its soil buy only one owns it... God
God made the world for us
and he made it grand
Even though evil may occur on this earthly plain
many a good has happened
and will happen
I was born on this planet
and I will die on this planet known as Earth
But all the days of my life
I will know that Gods world is majestic
it may not be pure because of interference of the evil one
but it is majestic for Gods hand once touched it
is touching it
and until the end will touch
Thank you God for your majestic world
which is a blessing upon me and others.
Thanks for reading if you did. Feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts and feelings. I don't know your own personal beliefs but whatever they are know that you cannot escape the Love of God which was evident in the sacrifice on the cross by Jesus Christ who loves you completely and who only wants to know you and for you to know him as well. =)