It seems that every couple of years, it comes around to the time to once again focus on “Forgiveness Work” I remember once in a class many years ago I asked Reverend Edward at the Santa Rosa Church of Religious Science, “So how many times do I have to forgive him?”
The answer, given with a big smile was, “until you are completely clear.”
Forgiveness isn’t really about the other, the person or persons that you are forgiving, it is all about you. When you forgive someone else, what is really happening is you are pulling the plug on attachments that are connecting you to that person.
There are many rituals that can help the process along, psychic surgery comes to mind. It is often done after deep work with a psychic surgeon who helps you realize that the lines of attachment are like ropes holding you in the field of influence of another person. At the culmination of the ritual, the physic surgeon may use a crystal knife, either real or imaginary, to cut these lines.
In her book, “The Soulmate Secret” Arielle Ford suggests writing out the names of everyone that you can remember that you have been involved with that has hurt you. She suggests that you forgive yourself and this person for the actions that you both have taken, and then she adds, “I bless (the person) and myself and gratefully accept this healing of my heart.”
While reading her book, I was also reading a daily chapter of “Living the Science Of Mind” by Ernest Holmes, and wouldn’t you know it, that same day I read a chapter called “The Consciousness That Heals.” Mr. Holmes wrote, “… we can be certain that the Eternal is with us and never against us when we are never against anyone else.”
Suddenly, the word “Bless” in Ms. Ford’s forgiveness exercise took on a whole new meaning; it had seemed almost trivial. “You mean I can’t be happy when the person who hurt me, is having a hard time of it?” I almost yelled it out loud!
As I looked back over the many times that I had asked for forgiveness to come into my life, I hadn’t really considered that part of the deal. When I looked at the possibilities, I was amazed. Maybe this is why I was always almost there… almost always just missing the mark on other issues in my life.
It seems that the missing link to the process for me, was: it was so very hard to honestly be glad for any good that may have come to the other, I was secretly pleased when I heard gossip about any hard times or trouble that was happening to them. Now, I know that along with forgiveness must come a true blessing of the other person. Only by feeling that Love, that is Divine, for everyone, even the ones who have hurt me, can I get truly free of the hurt and move onward in my spiritual path of evolution.
God Is Love
I Am Love
I align myself now with all the Love that is mine by Divine Birthright.
I know that this Love is the answer to all questions; it is the Life that God Is.
It is everywhere present, all of the time.
There is not any place where Love is not.
It is All There Is.
I step into the flow of Love, as a beloved, lovable, and loving child of Mother-Father God.
I bless all people, and am truly glad when they are doing well.
I am grateful for knowing this Truth, and I release my word to Law,
As it is done in Mind, so it manifests here in my life right now.
And so it is, Aloha!