we where eating at a dinner a while back and this is what happened... we wre just served our food and began to eat when...i felt over whelming grief...it was like i had lost my best friend and would not see them in this life again. i began to have a rock in my gut and tears started flowing as i tried to eat, i looked around to see the source of this feelings and i kept zeroing in on an elderly man in the next booth.i looked up at my wife and she was crying too. i said what in the world is going on?? she said i dont know but i feel it too.about 1 minute later the waitress goes over to the elderly man and gives her sympathy as he had lost his wife of over 50 yrs 2 days prior.we sat and cried for about 5 minutes .we could not eat our food as we were so upset and not even understanding why...we talked to the gentleman .we tried to encourage him and paid for his meal .we then left as we could not even eat our food..we felt his great grief even before we knew the man and his grief.we just felt it ..anyone else ever have this or any other thing like this happen to them before??