Sharing with you a Native Concept of Spiritual Awakeness
Reinvigorates Stagnant Life Cycles
Do you feel stuck?
If you do, then you are.
I am a Cosmic Traveler who has come through that portal known as Orion. I will carry a glimmer of these energies to you. For I am here as a watcher, an observer and as a teacher from another place in our Universe, a place where Life flows with such strength that water and fire are one!
The idea of stagnancy is new to my being. I have watched it; therefore in truth, there is no such thing as stagnancy. There is simply that which is slow and there is that which is fast.
If you seek to move beyond the cycle you are bored of, invoke this Law of Change. And soon new doorways will be there for you. Choose the doorway that you wish to pursue. For the Universe will present you with many. The first doorway may be the best, for it may be a test for a greater one that is coming. The heart is always the best way to know.
Stagnancy, boredom, thinking that you are stuck in one place is often because you have chosen to step off that Path of Spirit. Somewhere, you chose a different priority. It may even be said that your evolution has come to a standstill, that you need a restart, to push that button of acceleration to open that Door of Renewal. This Cosmic Law, this energy pathway, will certainly achieve your renewal.
The Changing Waters of my own home will come to you and free those elements within you that seem to be stuck, bringing to you new thoughts, new energy, and new feelings. It is up to you to decide the pathway, to choose that which you wish to receive and that which you wish to pass by.
It is critical that when these energies present themselves to you after you have invoked this Law, that you quickly say, “yes” or “no,” for this will direct the course of your destiny. Especially the day of the invocation of this law, and the four-day cycle from that moment, will determine the pathway of your season. For this Universal Law of Change, when invoked to transform stagnant life cycles, involves a four-moon cycle.
Therefore, set aside an entire day to pray with this Sacred Law and invoke the ever-changing Waters. I will be there with you and will listen to your prayers. The prayers of this day will chart the course of your four Moon cycle. This cycle will teach you much about the living waters of life. Therefore, prepare yourself. Set aside the Sacred Space for this law to work. Prepare your prayers. Prepare your body. Prepare your Heart, Mind and Spirit, for each one of these are a Moon cycle of transformation.
If you are ready for the quick, and for the quickening that has been prophesied, invoke this law of Change and the living waters will flow within your Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit.
For seven hours pray with each of these Medicines. Pray for your Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit. The prayers of these seven hours will reflect the rainbow of experience during those four Moon cycles. The Living Waters will flow within your aura.
Remember to call in your protectors, not so much for yourself, but for others, for this four month cycle will be set apart from others. The transformations of the self that will occur in the transformation of stagnant life energies will be STRONG for those around you. Therefore, call upon the Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Spirit Mother and Spirit Father to cocoon you and shield your Relations from the intensity of this energy.
Prepare. Invoke. And enjoy the travel. For during this four month cycle you will experience great realms of inner transformation.