Recently I blogged about the emptiness of the Churches. Now I am adding to that . I have recently decided to quit the church that I was attending. It hurts me to do so. But I cannot be a part of a community that does not accept any and all who believe in the Lord.
You see I was a member of the Choir for this church. And the Pastor of the Church was accused of being a Lesbian. Only accused. She has stated that she is Not! But because there are rumors about it, the Church has asked her to resign. It is not acceptable for her to be behind the pulpit as a minister if she is a Lesbian or rumored to be one. But I was told that it was ok for me to be a member of the Choir.
I ask you... What is the difference between ministering behind a pulpit and ministering by voice in the choir? To me there is none. We were both ministering. So I took it upon myself to let the church know that I will not be returning to attend any longer. If they cannot accept their Mininster for who she is... they cannot accept me either.
How welcome do you think I feel after all of this? Not very. I will tell you. I pray for all who use their own selfishness and hatred towards others to push people away from the Lord. I will pray for them all. For the one's who are pushed away and never return because of them... The blood of them will be on those hands of the people who pushed them away.
God Bless you All!
Rev. Victor