Reflections of 1Chronicles
I sit in my corner of my room chatting with the Lord about life, love and beauty. I realize that our tests in life refine our character. Some of us use these tests to destroy others, while some of us use these tests to build ethics and excellent working relationships. In the book of 1Chronicles, I see the people of God coming together to find common ground. Some were musicians, some were priests and some were families, but all were people liberated coming together by free will to please God on the level and expertise they were able to please God. These cultures were able to find God in their craft, and produce a love for God through that expertise.
In our lives, I would like to examine and relate my own life in these scriptures as I examine my own heart that I find our today generation not able to tap into craft and expertise due to the way we value life. Our abilities or inabilities to trust each other have changed. We have lost the love for our neighbor in the work force. We are not able to have a labor force that all levels of work are expertise and craft. We have the lack of care for people to make sure there is health care, legal protection and living expenses that will provide above average shelter, clothing, food and technology to build their skills in what they are able to achieve and contribute in our society as an economic force.
Many ancient societies did not have poverty, disease because they were functioning on a unity of wholeness of body, mind, heart and spirit. The culture were community that each person and family lived on the basis of what brought them joy, happiness and health. People were able to live their lives based on what worked for them and their families. As I examine these cultures of the ancient times, conflict was not an issue. Neither was a crime and violence, or war an issue that kept their community at large crippled and wounded. It is very deeply troubling to know that as our technology advances we are faced with higher conscious beings troubled and perplexed with complications of problems that aren’t resolved because of conflict without resolutions.
Whereas the past made evidence of solutions that community came together to be involved. Yes, death was used to weigh out problems which our society has grown to change. This is good that capital punishment is not a popular demand. As we evolve in knowing that punishment is not positive reinforcement we are growing to experience it is not the first priority for discipline and demonstration of power. It is more worthy to rehabilitate and resolve an issue from ground up, roots that need to be rebuilt is a key issue for a generation of change and multi-cultural diversity in difficulties and trials. I suppose in all honesty, as I walk through this biblical journey I face the challenges of love and division, and in the end, my hope is that love never fails, and as the people of the past, the people of the present and the people of the future will come together in unison that two heads are better than one. Lastly functioning under strengths is better than forced to practice in weakness. May the journey be light, calming and empowering, in the hope that Jesus saves forever? Amen.
Blessings and blessed be
Rev Jeff