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Keisha Merchant

Stewardship, Land Ownership


    Today’s reflection is about the wilderness management ministry that I have incorporated into my life journey.  It is a lifetime project and research in the Lord that I will continue to build.  It is about the slavery to sin, the freedom of the Spirit and the afterlife of Jesus.  It is within this hope that I will use some college jargon to illustrate the wealth of earth and the journey of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.  It is within this project that I will begin to conceptualize what is stewardship, what is ethics, values and consciousness/sub consciousness and finally, what is protection of resources, our eternal abode. 

    Let’s begin with the beginning, Genesis.  We see God create the earth, heavens, and all therein.  It is fascinating to find that the world began with someone creating it.  It is within this notion that someone had to take the time to imagine it, believe in it and saw that it was good to want to spend enough time to even endure the hardship, challenge and costs to create, design and mobilize its existence.  I find that this is the value aspect of life and all therein that God chose to create life in this sort of element.  In all its glory and magnificence we can argue that God had choices, many choices, designs to choose from, and this was one articulate way, skillful suggestion that maybe the Love of God found it “beautiful” to create this earth and the heavens.  It is beautiful, wow, now that is a concept that people fail to remember when we look around in the world’s peril.  We find that the wealthy choose their life, but for the poverty of assets they own property and cannot find the “courage or capital” to create beautiful, or find it beautiful as though their property, ownership of that property was deemed worthy to be praised.  Poverty is property that is neglected.  People live in those conditions not because they are owners of property, but because people own property and choose not to value their artistic value of what is good.

    This brings me to ethics, and morals, that we find the law system as the excuse to ignore property value.  It is within this property value that owners find themselves jumping around the lines of what is beautification as though that is a value that is an option not a necessary component or element for all life.  This reminds me to go back to Genesis, and begin to sculpt the scriptures that we find that flowers, birds, and all the wonders of God is magnificent.  This is the quality of living that the wealthy spend time watching the mountains and drooling over the sun sets, yet they did not own these at all.  These are created by God, so if you want we can see God as a steward, an owner of property.  It is fitting to say, that he owned many properties.  One of the nine properties that we are aware of it Earth, and so forth, many we are not aware of in the billions of stars and galaxies to the known of man.  I can safely say, one of God’s many properties is earth. 

    In this property, the land is magnificent, I can look at each inch of the property and man would die and kill to have a piece of it, so I can say, the property is worth something if not everything in the existence of man, actually if you want to be very realistic, property is worth more than humans and any creature in this planet, so land is valuable.  Now you wonder, where in the world am I going with this let us build this component of the wilderness as a key component of a well balanced natural resource program?  We need to understand that solitude and biological evolutions do not begin in the genetic diversity or society that built it, but the actual existence of God that had to articulate, manipulate, and skillful design each creature by hand, as a woman in labor pains, an artist in the flow of pain, the carpenter in the construction business, the wonder of God in their work of land and creation.

    So what does that mean, if we are to be holy as God is holy, then I would suggest the first solution to the wilderness management is property owners are either responsible of poverty or not?  Let us find the legal aspect of poverty. 

    Definition:  answers.com

    ·  he state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts.

    ·  Deficiency in amount; scantiness: "the poverty of feeling that reduced her soul" (Scott Turow).

    ·  Unproductiveness; infertility: the poverty of the soil.

    ·  Renunciation made by a member of a religious order of the right to own property.

    So why does poverty states a person is poor not the owner of property is poor?  This is somewhat misleading.  Of course, the property rights of owners are that they have the right to own property, but they do not have the responsibility to keep up their property.  Now some would say, that is foolish, where is the right to the inner cities and the areas that are rural?  What happens when no one owns the property, and biological species dwell in it, and within that dwelling, there’s nothing to provide, protect and cover their existence?

                It is within my hope that I will develop this idea of Wilderness Management using the resource tool of Hendee and Dawson of Wilderness Mangagement, Stewardship and Protection of Resources and Values.  Yes, it is going to be a series that I will combine God, the Holy Bible, faiths of most religions documented, and finally the suggestion of personal lives that are affected by the notion that poverty is the responsibility of the person living on the property and not the property owner.  I have to disagree; my claim is not that at all, it is the notion that property ownership has the responsibility of their guests on their property.  It is a moral passage for people to live in paradise when visiting their host or hostess, the property owner.

                I will build this as what is beautification, the notion that God is Love, and how we measure up to love in this society, culture and environment.  What goals do we need as a population of buyers and sellers?  It is third wheel in this equation that those who are not buyers or sellers but abiders must also be accounted for, and what are the issues around abiders of land?  It is within my hope that the unproductiveness, renunciation, deficiency, and lack/neglect will change in our age, so we may be a holy people unto God.  What are a holy people?  People who dwell in earth, and earth is what paradise, meaning no more crying, no more dying, and no more poverty.  It is within my understanding that God created the earth and heavens, and those therein, for what?  It was pleasing to God’s eyes that we should take care of his paradise.  For some God is not a gender, so for the sake of simplifying the God identity as creator of higher means, we will use the universal gender of masculinity for this sake of argument and informative platform of stewardship and solidarity.

                Finally, I will discuss nine issues of God’s Eden, land, property and those therein, the wilderness management factor, the setting as a writer we must set the scene of paradise, the properties of all the world must be identified first before we can truly understand and examine rural, urban and global poverty.  The second is issue U.S. Legal Authority and Process for Wildness, the sovereignty of property ownership and legalizing ethics and values into the land is very complex in a global community because we must remember our global community is not a free nation but a colonized nation.  Yes, you will correct me that our colonized nation is made up of many countries, but it is govern under one system of oppression, poverty under Western civilization. 

    It is within this power structure we must understand the necessary components of why and what is going on with property and management of those resources that have such a global impact on poverty and other forms of oppression, but this is about poverty only.  The third issue is Wilderness management and planning concepts for what is this reason to discuss these concepts because on do we understand the taxonomy of environment modification and the spectrum of how our tools are applied, damaged and opportunities to be in relationship with the property will show us the benefits and stewardship of our success and failures as we protect human influences and wilderness change to threatened cultures and sites.

                The fourth issue is the wilderness resources, values and threats to these ecosystems must we identify whether or not we have the correct verdict of population control or stewardship control.  It has been in many ears from the hierarchal factor that population control is the key to wealth and stewardship, but if you see the divine aspect of all the factors involved, then you must agree with the wrath of God, or extinction of humanity for that to be true.  Therefore, we must argue that this is the case with population control is not the best solution for stewardship and success over poverty and human influence.  It is within this project I will delve into the divine aspect and components to adjustments, transformations and transitions from poverty to paradise.  It is within this hope that prayers are not ignored, and the spirit of God is not forgotten because in science we forget the evidence of existence before us is a necessary tool to understand the whole gesture of resources.

                The fifth issue is how we use the wilderness and how do we manage this resource to its effectiveness to gather populations and properties as one unit.  It is finally to my argument that we will look into future forecasts to the problems and opportunities of how do we use the past, present and future to create and build a paradise and eliminate poverty in the lands of earth.  It is in this ecosystem we will have to change our mind frame to see the science of divine God, the creator of all creations, and the stewards that is humanity, owners of property free up people to be good stewards over property that we can begin to build one paradise under one spirit sleeping on one property, earth.  The Sixth issue is not a scientific issue that will be discuss from Hendee and Dawson, but it is my own concepts of wilderness management that was inspired by the study of the Holy Spirit and life processes of survival and my own stewardship.  This I will call my first, but this project’s sixth issue, practice, what is our practice with our ethics, how well do we perform in this goodness of resources?  How are we evaluated, examined, and measured to what is good practice, versus poor practices, this will bring up the notion of neglect and lack therein. 

                It is obvious that I cannot forget my seventh issue of wilderness management is the sovereignty notion that science falls to recognize in its discovery of who truly owns property and territories of the earth.  In the capitalization world, we find ourselves fighting for territories and killing to be on top because we own what?  In the market, we price, water, food, shelter and clothing yet we all came into this world on a free society called earth.  It is within our birthright this “earth” the land we are touching was here before us, will be here after us, and was here billions of years thereof.  It is in this issue I will discuss sovereignty that changes the hands of what do we do when our minds are finally understand that our capitalism is based on theft, and all political notions of science is based on theft because we must own something before we can claim it.  I can safely say that the oldest living person is not older than 200, so that means earth must be younger than 200 for that person to truly own this land.  It is within this argument we must face the greatest challenge with property, ethics and finally stewardship and management, sovereignty.    The history of sovereignty, wars, and the concepts of science that we have some sort of ownership comes from theft.  Do we borrow?  What are we doing with the land we occupy?  How are we protecting self and how does self play a role in sovereignty.

                I will argue that self is sovereign over one element.  It is not land.  It is not even self because we can argue we truly did not create our own selves from birth.  It is within this biological make up that we must confess some sort of truth that we have built our whole life around a faulty structure that cannot stand in the storms of existence. It is within this science that we have discovered that living a lie leads to error and errors lead to poor quality of living, and finally poor quality of living lead to decay and that decay lead to death.  In that spiritual truth, it is evident that the science around Christ is that life is not centered around the ways of ownership because at the end of the day, do we truly have any sovereignty to say we have any rights of any of these lands in earth?  It is within this direction we follow the path to observation that we must rebuild our houses, our systems because it is based on one notion, theft, and we wonder how crime excel, war explodes, and deficiency is made in poverty.  Our whole sovereignty is based on theft as Malachi would say, in that inspiration of observation, we steal from God.

                As scientists, many ignore the educators warning of teaching and coaching the ideas of truth, but what is truth from the imagination of people who are not owners.  As equality bridge the gaps to us and them, it is evident us is population on earth, and them is God, creator of Earth and people, populations.  Therefore what is the stewardship and science of this discovery we call management of wilderness of resources and values?  It is within this eighth issue that we must discuss the thoroughly that diversity is equality.  What is equality?  And, why did people, that may have been hired as aristocrats, royalty, government, and social constructs of the wealthy and elite design such spectrums of wealth and poverty to initiate equality as a false notion of principles and practice in our management of stewardship of resources and values?  These are questions that I will begin to tackle in the experiment of observation and discovery that I will work through the science of people and taxonomy in the biological superiority of “who goes there?”

                Whew, last not but least, the ninth issue of the struggle and challenge that wilderness management is persistently ever going in the rag race of accountability and responsibility that privilege comes with a price, but somehow someone put a veil over “what price” that most owners of land forget the price that is paid with God to be chosen to be privileged.  It is within this metaphysics gesture we will use the science of physics, what comes up must come down, the gravity notion that you reap what you sow, but then the authority of Christ, of mercy and judgment that perpetuates the future and what we comprehend the makes sense of the past, and the potential of the present that the new dawning day of awakening does not have anything to do with the education system and authority systems, but the accountability of our “costs” it is within that economics that the economy claim is structured around, but in the authority of God, what heights we have fallen to forget that we have not mastered the greatest discovery of the element of the equation of Infinity, God, that is within our costs and demands.

                It is within the wilderness management that privilege comes with a great price.  Not the capital you pay through your royal lineage, or some would call, the boot straps, and draw straps, but through the calling and authority of God that we fail to understand in the secular notion of science and secularization of capitalism, communism and colonization that the imperialism is nothing more than a dollar a day’s pay from God.  It is not within our accountability that we face the details of ownership and stewardship but the true owner and sovereignty of this earth, land, and all the costs that we have tagged and marked, we give to our markets is forgotten the true seller and buyer of what we have afforded ourselves to steal from the owner of the house.

                It is not within this notion do I desire to leave in doom and gloom that we have robbed our master’s house, but as a scientific notion include in the issues of management and stewardship that keep us owing God, in the rebuilding of nation under God, as poverty continue to perpetuate as a sign of stealing from God.  It is within this hope that at the end of the day, our generation is not found stealing from the table, and our poverty is eliminated because we have discovered true science that reminds us the truth, evidence from discovery of human observation that experimentation is not done through ownership but through permissible relations of God in society and culture.  It is within this economy that we are not owners of the wilderness or sovereign of this economy, but stewards of the creator that allowed us safe passage into life.

    (Note if you want this book to be completed, please contact me: investors and sponsorship needed)

    The Holy Bible

    Inspirations of the Holy Spirit

    Wilderness Management, Stewardship and Protection of Resources and Values


  • Keisha Merchant
    Keisha Merchant excellent contributions! i pray and hope we all can make small contributions to our properties that God has so graciously given to us...it is a matter of love that we offer our stewardship to him, productive and loving stewardship that shows we care about...  more
    July 28, 2010
  • <i>Deleted Member</i>
    Deleted Member " Poverty is property that is neglected ". Yes, dearest Keisha, I am in agreement with you on stewardship of resources and what better illustration of such than the most recent horrendous mismanagement of resources in the Gulf of Mexico. But there have ...  more
    July 27, 2010 - delete