Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Cheryl Schuster


  • Where is JOY?    (yes, all caps)


    There is a place deep within us that holds the key to JOY.  Our everyday experiences take up so much of our focus that we forget completely about that special place within.


    Perhaps we’ve lived experiencing mostly hurt and disillusionment which has led us to become cynical and depressed.  Perhaps we’ve had our hearts broken so many times and we’re afraid to reach out and love another soul.  But…..


    There is a place … deep within that we have forgotten is there.  


    What is JOY?


    It’s that moment when your child looks to you with complete incents and you laugh; perhaps it’s when your dog comes to you – put’s its head on your lap and you can feel the unconditional love; perhaps it’s when a loved one says something to make you laugh after a hard day, or they’ve done something that warms your heart.


    That feeling, that physical feeling of awe and love – where those feelings come from is the same place you’ll find JOY. 


    Be mindful the next time you want to grab and hug someone; when something gives you such a deep feeling of satisfaction – be mindful the feeling, where it springs from, and how to find it again.


    Meditation is a great way to find this place; moving you thoughts to positive, loving energy is the great way to keep yourself in JOY.


    Wishing you mindfulness and JOY today and always; blessings…