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Rev. Alan Quandt

The Christian foundation of a Non-Christian

  • My mother and even more so my father, are strong Christians.  They have been and probably always will be.  They branched out of the more traditional church when I was only a year old.  They joined about 15 other couples and started a new church.  This church has since grown it's congregation to the thousands. ( http://www.fmcfw.org/ )


    I took my religion as seriously as a kid could.  I played drums for the children's church band, assisted my father in teaching the 4th grade sunday school class, and did various youth group functions.


    However, at the age of 15 I decided to leave the church.  I could not believe it anymore.  I wanted to so badly, but just couldn't.


    I will get into the reasons and story behind the decision some other day.


    The point I want to make is that I still hold the values and morals which I learned from the my folks, and the church.  I completely respect my parent's belief and chose to not discuss my thoughts with them anymore.  Just because I don't believe it doesn't mean they can't.  I don't feel it harms them, in fact I believe it grounds them.


    I feel so strong about holding true to the morals that I teach them to my 3 duaghters as well.  I also have them attend church with my parents.  I feel that it is their decision to have faith in Christianty and not my place to rob them the expereience.  I see so many people these days who don't have a moral rock to stand on.  They treat people horrible and are just plain lost.


    I don't want my girls to grow up that way.  If they come to me and tell me they are done wtih church and can give me a valid well thought out reason for departing; I will discuss the decision and then allow them to do it (if the reason has enough merit).


    I am a musician, who plays in bars/clubs weekly.  I am sorrounded by many people who don't have that moral foundation.  I am often asked, "How are you so nice, when you hang out with these people?".  I don't preach to people.  I only speak my beliefs if they ask.  I find that showing my foundation by action is far more effective.  People don't want to be told what to do.  However, if they see someone doing well, and happy; they are likely to mimic that person.  I have seen many of my friends change from hanging out with my brother and I.


    I will leave you with a quick story:


    When I was in high school, I had a friend who was somewhat of a trouble maker.  He came from a very broken home. His mother was an alcoholic, his dad left when he was too little to know him, and he was also picked on quite a bit (as was I).


    Well by high school, this friend and I had been in trouble enough to get my dad upset enough to tell me he didn't want me hanging out with this kid anymore. He said, "I know he is your friend, and I nice kid, but he is a horrible influence on you".


    I replied, "But dad, what if I am a good influence on him? How is that right?".  That was the first time I saw my dad at a loss for words!


    _rev. aq