Posted by Vernon McClanahan
July 27, 2011 -
A wise man once said "In order to reach our full potential we must remain open to all things and attached to nothing."
This resonated within me and is a principle I have incorporated into my life. You see we are in a constant state of learning and our understanding continues to evolve every moment of every day. In this we must be willing to realize that what we see as truth today may be proven to be insubstantial tomorrow. Quite simply, we need to remain open to change and willing to let go of old mentalities to make room for the evolution of truth. I believe that "Truth" will withstand any amount of investigation and the first test is its measure of reason.
Early in 1616, Galileo was accused of being a heretic after He began publishing papers about his astronomy discoveries and his belief in a heliocentric, or Sun-centered, Universe, he was called to Rome to answer charges brought against him by the Inquisition (the legal body of the Catholic Church).
Today we know damn good and well that our universe revolves around the sun but I guess some people would rather hold on to ignorance in the name of God...