The Faith Of A Mustard SeedMT 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: forverily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, yeshall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and itshall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.Hebrews 111 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things notseenFor those who have never seen a mustard seed, there are many whodon't cook or have a garden, it is the smallest seed there is youalmost need a magnifying glass to see it. If you have one in the palmof your hand it is a mere speck.Jesus told us if we had but the faith of a mustard seed, we wouldbelieve and work towards following his commandments.Do not feel bad if you feel that you don't have a lot of faith for weare amongst good company, Peter, who denied knowing Him & thenthere is Thomas who would not believe He had risen until he stuckhis fingers in the wounds in His hands, feet & side, so you see thereis hope for us. If these and other very important people in our Lordsministry here on earth and multitudes of thousands since then havemade it to heaven, I'm sure that we will also if we have but the faithof a mustard seed.As children we put are un-dying faith in a myth called Santa Claus,most people think it's a pagan myth when in reality it is Christian. Itis derived from Sr Nicolas (feast day Dec 6 (Dec 19 on the Juliancalendar) if you want to read the history here is a link to go If we canhave faith in a human that strong why is it hard to have that kind offaith in our Lord & Savior. He was also human plus saved us fromour sins an gave us everlasting life. An we still choose to believe thefeelings of some of mankind and not those of millions of believerswhich causes us doubts. Millions of people can't and aren't wrong.Jesus did live and die for our sins and to give us eternal life. Hewalked upon this earth just as you and I for thirty-three years. Hesuffered pain, sickness, hunger, lonesomeness. He had friends andenemies. All of the above as we do. Yes He is the Son of God butwhen He was here on earth He was the son of Joseph a carpenter. Hewas not a poor man but not rich either.Now there are those who say the Bible is nothing more than mythsand stories of men & that Jesus is not the Son of God but a prophet!Yes the Bible was written by man but it was inspired by God. Thewords in the Bible where partially from man, the Old & Newtestaments contain the words of the Apostles, Prophets and otherimportant people as others found in the books in the Old Testament.Now these same do not say the same thing about the Constitution orthe Declaration of Independence or the stories of the Presidents andall the rest. Now I would like for someone to explain to me what thedifference is they act like the are carved in stone but we now they arenothing more the words written down by man just as the Bible is butwe do have one part of it carved in stone, The Ten Commandments,come people let us straighten out our thinking and increase our faithin the only one who can give us life eternal.To increase your faith you have to believe 100%, UN-conditionally.Now to give an example. There are Twelve Gifts of the Spirit. On ofwhich is that of laying on of hands. Now the person laying the handson and the person who the hands are being laid on must believe unconditionalllythat it is going to work. The church I was pastor ofbefore I was the pastor held a healing service one Sunday afternoonand one of the members who had come forward to have hands laidupon her. Called the pastor that when I had laid my hands upon hershe felt a tingling feeling in her arms and legs and that she wasstilling feeling them this day and that the pains that she had comeforward for where starting to lessen. So you see when you believeun-conditionally there is nothing impossible nothing our Lord can'tor won't do.So my brothers and sisters go into your prayer closets an pray theLord send the Holy Spirit down upon you and give you the wisdoman knowledge needed to give you that um-conditional belief.