Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Corwyn Stone

Giving Thanks for Pain and Strife...

  • A Happy GREAT DAY to Everyone!


    This day I am grateful for the breath I am given, for the laughter I often refuse to control, and for the tears of both joy and sadness I am capable of shedding...and sometimes do even with control.


    I am grateful for those around me who find it comforting and familiar to create strife and discord, for without disharmony I would be unable to fully appreciate the harmony found within the music of the Universe that sings to my Spirit.


    I am grateful for my Lady and Lord for giving me shelter, comfort, strength and for nurturing me as Their child at those times when I needed my Parents love and care.  At the same time I am most thankful to Them for not coddling me but allowing me instead  to develop as I should...no matter how great the agony.




    Thank You for my life and for those who surround me.  It is Your presence through others that truly lend me Grace.


    ~Blessed Be~   )O(