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Rev. Dr. William Gray - PhD, DDiv

One Way to Salvation

  • Verse:

                John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.”


                Materialism says, “Buy your way out.” The politician says, “Legislate.” The army says, “Fight.” Industry says, “Work.” The philosopher says, “Think.” But Jesus says, “There’s no way out but through Me.”


                Jesus will save you by His grace, and He’ll save you all by Himself or you won’t be saved at all. When you are saved by the grace of God, you are saved instantly, and you are saved eternally. Your goodness is not enough to save you, and your badness is not enough to keep you away. Jesus loves you so much that He died to save you.


                Have you taken Jesus at His Word and followed His way of salvation? Maybe you have a friend who needs this truth today. Share it, don’t suppress it.

1 comment
  • Rev. Vivian Mary Graciolett
    Rev. Vivian Mary Graciolett Yes, I believe that is what Jesus said to these people "AT THAT TIME" I don't believe it is for our time..I also believe that we all are saved and free. We were born with free will..and I also believe that hell as we were all taught is not in a...  more
    November 24, 2014 - 1 likes this