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Sojourner Robert Hess

Christians: feeling persecuted?

  • Are you a Christian who feels persecuted for the sake of Christ?


    Take a moment to look at the bigger picture and you may see that's not what's really going on.


    What follows is my opinion, that's why it's in a blog....


    I've not seen many people who are actually offended at the Core of Christianity:

    1. Everyone screws up.

    2. There's a cost for error.

    3. There's an offer (of grace) on the table.


    ok, nothing really offensive in that... at least not that I see. In fact I think it's a bit reassuring and positive. What then is it that seems to get some folk's Ire up when Christians speak...


    1. Threats of Damnation and Hell (which incidentally, Christ never made.. apart from stating it as a sort of default condition "this is what humanity has earned" which again, grace removes)

    2. Hypocrisy: "not for Thee but for Me" (which Christ actually spoke against, quite often)

    3. Second, or lower, classing of "non-believers"(again, this violates the teachings of Christ himself)


    All of these (and others I'm sure you can think of) are reasons others may see those who call themselves followers of Christ , Christians, in a bad light.


    So how do we correct this? Well no one can change all minds and hearts... but one can correct themselves


    Watch carefully when you speak, or write, for these hypocrisies and stop yourself when you find them.


    When the message is a positive one the problem is often less with the message, than with the messenger.