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Sojourner Robert Hess

Pedophilia and the ULC

  • It saddens me greatly that I even have to write this, but as far as my opinion goes... if you are or ever have been justly accused of the sexual abuse of a minor (and you know in your heart if the accusation was just or not) you really have no place here.


    I'm not going to spit hatred at you... odds are good you have had plenty of that already. Instead I'm going to state some facts...


    1. Pedophilia is a disorder, it can be temporarily suppressed but can and will express it self again given the opportunity.


    2. Currently we (modern society) have no treatment for this disorder, that means that you are still at risk for episodes.


    3. You may intend well, you may not see Ministerial service as a means to lecherous ends, however the fact is that being in ministerial service increases the risk factor for you ... see again fact one.


    For your own sake, and for the sake of innocent children who might be victimized by this disorder, I call on you to step down if this blog applies to you. If you have abused any child and that has not been brought to light I call on you to confess.


    We may not have a treatment for this illness yet... but we will and in the meantime anything which protects our most innocent, without causing harm in the process, is the very essence of "Doing Good".

  • Marlena Bauer likes this
  • Sojourner Robert Hess
    Sojourner Robert Hess Jean, there is a large difference between an unresolved emotional conflict and a psycho-sexual paraphillic disorder. While the former has curiosity and confusions, the latter has direct urges and impulses.
    February 26, 2013
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG My sister Angel, Pedophiles will break the children's soul, this is clear, and undebatable. Alcoholic will destroy and hurt often their family, their wives, their children future and how many killings of famillies. My point his we must help all and minimi...  more
    February 26, 2013
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG .... going on for some society.... Love and compassion, sometime is not so easy as a faith, but I believe its the only solution.
    February 26, 2013
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG Brother Robert, I understand your comment, however only when treated you can understand witch is which and minimize. They are tons of success story. When working in the Arab countries, it was so obvious in some case and yet everyone denied it existed. By ...  more
    February 26, 2013