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Sojourner Robert Hess

My Thoughts on Ender's Game

  • So, incase you didnt know the film adaptaion of Orson Scott Cards "Ender's Game" is comming out this November... and I plan to see it.


    This has angered a few of my aquantances to say the least... let me explain.


    Yes, Card has said some frankly hatefull things... he is not a person I would particularly like to spend time with BUT....


    None of those hatefull things are represented in the book "Ender's Game" and I find it dounbtfull they would be placed in the film adaption.


    Card is not acting in the film, his credit is limited to the book from which the screenplay was adapted.


    Yes he will earn some royalties for the film adaptation but if that is reason for you to boycott it let me ask you something:


    Is denying someone a right to earn a living based on the fact that they have said some unrelated biggoted things not an act of bigotry in and of itself?


    If we set that standard who else works might vanish from shelves and art?







    just some food for the neurons...