While I was busy and up somewhat late last night, I stumbled across something here which I found very disturbing. I can understand the initial reaction of laughter when someone falls or does something accidentally. The noises, the words they use or the face they make can strike up some giggles, however when someone legitimately falls down the stairs and hurts themselves and makes a public post about it here, it is not ok for anyone else to constantly bring it up in their own posts, claiming it was karma who got the better of the injured person. What does that say for ministers? Ministers who not only are here, but are admin to another site. What I don't understand is these same people who were laughing, showed concern for me when I fell and hurt myself even when they dislike me, yet they laugh at another who has done nothing wrong to deserve such treatment other than making a few simple corrections on the main thread. Anyways, rant over, I just wish people could focus on being truthful, loving, compassionate, leading ministers. Blessings too you all.