Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Bishop Dale Day Hudson

A Little Trip! Come along and enjoy!

  • We’re going on a little trip at no cost. This one is on me. Since you can’t close your eyes and read this, I want you to vision what it is your reading.  The roads a bit bumpy but the scenery is well worth the trip. Enjoy!


    We’re here. You’ve all made it. Welcome to my side of the great region known as the Pacific North West. I chose this meeting sight at the Fish Hatchery to begin our journey up the Skokomish River. Every year during flooding season this road is known to have traffic on it of a completely different sort. This is where the Salmon Cross the road, no pun attended. J Ok, everyone before we get back into our cars and begin our trip up the mountain I want you all to feel the sun on your face, and smell the sweet breeze coming through the trees.  Alright let’s go, follow my lead.

    You are on a country road In the middle of what is known as the Skokomish Valley. It is home to the local Skokomish Indian Tribe. You can feel the sun on your face and arms as you drive the windy country roads. You can smell the sweet air of the valley. On each side of you is cow pastures. Most of the cows are laying down in the shade, but there are a few grazing. You can tell they are mothers, who are eating while their calf’s feed from them. The speed limit changes from 45 to 25 as you take one of the many sharp windy S curves.  In the distance you can see hills with trees topping them. You notice a formation of 5 Red Tailed Hawks circling over something.  As you drive further into the valley you see a lot of the residents are gardeners. Everyone has their own working vegetable and fruit beds.  You see all their cute yard décor and notice most of them have patio furniture set up near a camp fire. How peaceful a life as a Gardener is.

    You notice the car in front of you turning on their blinker and you get the hint to follow them up this bumpy mountain path.  The first glance you get is a bit saddening however because you can see the effects of the Lumber Industry, but it eases us to know they do a good job re planting trees on logging sites here in Washington State.  We make our way up this slow path but it feels good to actually take your time and admire the space around you. The vision of the road ahead of you is only a few hundred feet because of all the twists and turns as you escalate upwards. You notice the car in front of you slowing down and you realize why.  You see a clearing in the trees that reveals Mount Rainier in it full glory. You are lucky to see this because most of the time it’s hidden by clouds in its mass.

    The road you are driving is old, narrow and still very windy. On both sides is a small gully of ferns and trees and fallen logs. There is a small pond and natural spring to the right side of the road. You can hear the birds outside of your car singing away, and you can hear the hustle of the breeze flowing through the leaves of the trees.  The pavement ends and you feel how it feels to drive over a huge gigantic old fashioned wash board. Bump bump bump. You giggle as your body jiggles over the bumps. The radio is on and you’re singing to the awesome song that you’re hearing. There are so many beautiful things to see here. You realize that we must be close to our destination because the cars are slowing down and stopping in front of you.  You pull up behind the car in front of you and see what looks like a huge steel bridge that goes over the Skokomish River at least 900 feet below you. You can feel the breeze more now because you are up so high. The bridge gently vibrates under your feet.  To the right side is a rather decent sized rail that you can safely look over. To the left there is only a small guard rail and it’s best to look but not get to close. There have been numerous deaths up here, so remember to respect the space around you.  Everyone takes pictures of the river and valley below. You see all the old growth trees towering around you, welcoming you not only to the High Steel Bridge and Skokomish River, but as well to Washington States Rain Forest and The Olympic Mountain Range.

    You hear me say that we are not at our final destination and that I couldn’t bring you up into the Mountains until you got to see this with your own eyes. We walk back over the bridge to our cars, and one by one we make a u turn and go back down the bumpy dusty dirt road. Back in our cars, windows cracked but not all the way down for fear of eating the dust from the car in front of you. It feels good to be away from your norm, doesn’t it? Oh thank goodness, we’ve hit pavement again. Thank goodness, I know I was getting tired of all the wiggling and jiggling. Hmm, if life were jello! LOL.

    You see that there is a narrow bridge before the line of cars ahead of you. The road was already pretty narrow but this bridge tops the cake. It’s one lane and visibility is low due to the trees that surround each end of it. You take a sharp turn to the right, to this gorgeous road that is covered by a canopy of trees. This is a Blessed Day to be able to be so high up in the mountains under such a beautiful sky and landscape. There are Gold Finches, Stellar Jays, Robins, and Swallows all singing in the trees. Along the roadside you see numerous camp spots, most of them filled with campers. Tents, Clothes lines, Picnic Tables full of food, Camp Fires and smoke. It really puts a smile on your face. After a few more turns around this corner and that corner you see that the cars are once again stopping. Which is a good thing because you’re ready to walk around, eat, laugh and enjoy?

    You get out of your cars, and grab whatever it is you’re bringing with you. Food, Clothes, Bug spray, Firewood? I hope someone brought fire wood. J The trail is covered with fallen leaves. You see the smallest saplings. Wild flowers, oh look a slug. J Sticky nasty creatures, but they are sort of pretty. I know, what an odd one He is. J The leaves of the tree above you have somehow managed to latch on to one another making an arched path for you to follow. You arrive and notice a huge circular area that has been well kept as a meeting place. There are pieces of wood all around the fire pit to sit at. Someone has made a table and bench out of wood that they scavenged from the scene. You see that there is room for many tents, here and there surrounding the camp.  There is a small path dropping down from this site that takes you to the River known as Browns Creek. It is one of the most beautiful places you have ever seen. You are on the bend of the river. The beach is covered in soft, warm sand. There are huge hills harboring Old Growth Tree’s. The sky is a pure blue, the clouds are white. The sun is beating down on you.  You just want to close your eyes and breathe deep. Soak it all in.  Between the sound of the wind in the trees and the sound of the flowing river you’re almost taken to a whole nether place.

    Some of you break into groups, and some of you go off and venture on your own. Some are swimming and jumping off a rock cliff, some are exploring, and some stay at the camp and start to prepare food for everyone.  You though are one of them who break into a small group and venture off.  You stop by the river and sit down watching everyone around you. Feeling the sun kissing your skin. You can’t help but to smile. You listen to the laughter and to the distant conversations, but you mostly just remain to your thoughts. You tell stories to whoever is with you, you laugh. You pick up small pebbles and toss them into the river. Or pick up slightly bigger stones and toss them near to someone standing and laugh as you splash them. You Meany, catching them off guard like that. You should be ashamed. J Oh life is fun when you’re around fun and positive people you love. All walks of life, being together, enjoying the space around them. Everyone is respecting each other.  You get up and do some more looking around, but make sure not to wander off too far because you know food is near finished and you have a rumbly in your tummy.  You see other people either at their campsites or just day visitors. You share a smile and a blessing. You say “hello” and they respond back. Feels good doesn’t it? Simple acknowledgment!

    You hear the call and turn around to get something to eat. You approach the site and hear that someone has brought a portable Radio and it’s playing some Groovy Soul Music from the 1960’s and 70s American Folk/Pop/Rock Scene. You can’t help but to get groovy. The sounds of all the different instruments, the harmonies, the simple words that you can actually make sense out of even if you have to read between the lines.  The smell of the food is good. There are cold snacks, and beverages. But there is also warm baked beans, baked chicken, pasta salad, and so much more…  The food even tastes as good as it smells if not better. While you eat you notice the volume of chatter has died down, due to stuffed mouths. You get to focus more of the natural sounds around you. So peaceful! You are glad you decided to come on this trip even if it was for a few hours. Once everyone has eaten and cleaned up, then we can start to move around again. Seeing more of what our great Creator has given us. We see that there is always a way to find release from all the stuff we let build up in our lives. We realize that it is important to take a break even if it is for a moment to go to one of our favorite places or to hang out with our friends and family and even if it is to read someone’s blog about a drive and a visit up into the Olympic Mountain Range, and Olympic National Forest.  It’s good to be able to unwind no matter what it is you are facing. Making things a little simpler is always good for the soul.

    We’ve spent a good few hours here experiencing a rare get away that we sometimes take for granted. Now it’s time to pack up and make your way back down the windy and bumpy road of the Mountain Pass. Even though you may not have been here in the flesh with me to experience this, but I think you picked up on the visual. I am glad you tagged along with me to one of my favorite places to unwind. Even if it was make believe, the place really does exist and I am glad you got to experience that. Thank you all for taking the time to read it and drive down that windy bumpy road with me. I know it’s a blessing for me, I only hope it was for you.  Blessings!

  • Rev. Suzanne Ranu
    Rev. Suzanne Ranu I am very hurt, because I have been waiting so long and no one shared.. I am going to my room now and cry... :-(
    July 2, 2012
  • Bishop Dale Day Hudson
    Bishop Dale Day Hudson No no no
    July 2, 2012
  • Tiffany Kreierhoff
    Tiffany Kreierhoff This was beautiful. You are a very gifted storyteller and you have made my day a little bit brighter. Thank you.
    July 3, 2012
  • Bishop Dale Day Hudson
    Bishop Dale Day Hudson Tiffany Thank you so much for saying that. :) I wanted to take you to one of my favorite places. :) I am glad you got to come along. I tried to make it as accurate as possible so that is why I added the joke about the jello and the jiggles, lol. :) Thank...  more
    July 4, 2012