i home school my kids via "online charter schools" it appears as if the ohio state Board of education Or the particular school i placed my children in requires a vaccine refusal form to be submitted either on a "doctors" letterhead, or the letterhead of your particular clergy. as i am Pagan , and really not trusting of the one local (that i know of) ordained Pagan minister in the eyes of the state. i thought on it, then looked into becoming ordained myself. i found the ULCM and became ordained. Pagans for the most part are their own clergy. yes during rituals SOMEONE has to lead & there are mentors to those new to the path. usually one studies and searches through their own compulsions to find their path.
through talking this over with my freinds and doing some soul searching, reading on this site, i have felt myself PROFOUNDLY affected by choosing to be ordained. i've felt a greater responsibility to my fellow Pagans than i had before. i'm considering ministering to some incarcerated Pagans i know of.
through this one choice, i feel a path opening before me that i'd not before contemplated. sometimes life throws you a curve ball. everything happens for a reason. i look forward to seeing what adventure this choice has set in motion for me & mine.