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Danielle Andrewson

Self Care

  • I found myself thinking of these things recently, self care while in the service of the Lord, first and foremost I feel that our father would want what any good father wants and that is to take care of ourselves and to be happy in life. We throw ourselves into the service of others and take their sorrows on our shoulders, we pray for those who have less than us and send good energy towards those who cry out to be relieved, but when it comes to our own hearts who is there to sooth our worries when all is said and done, do we push aside our own needs when the time comes because others might have it worse.  This is a trap that many light workers I have known fall into.


    "there are always people who have it worse" or "I can't take time for myself when there is so much left to do"


    Yes there are many things that require our attention and at the end of the day there is honestly not enough hours in the course of that day to finish them all, and your own problems may be big or they may be small honestly it doesn't' matter who here can say that they know the heart of another, if you constantly hold yourself up to other peoples standards then what will be left for you to have on your own.  Suffering is not a contest to be measured against another, Grief is not a race to get to the end before another, you are allowed to have these feelings there is nothing wrong with you.


    You are a beautifully created imperfect perfect being, a marvelous contradiction, and for better or worse you will have trials and tribulations.  It is ok to say "No not today, today I take some time to connect with my God"  


    Be kind to yourself, treat yourself with respect and dignity, love yourself for all your flaws and faults, and take time to marvel at your own life and being.  When you take the time to go with in yourself to the divinity that is within you that God has put there, to take that time with your own soul re-energize yourself, so that you can move forward with peace in your heart.