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Tami Gomez

The Fastest and Easiest Way to Change Your Future

  • The Fastest and Easiest Way to Change Your Future

    by Tami Gomez

    So often, we go through our day dwelling on all the bad things that happen to us. Whether it be the traffic jam that made us late for work, the bank account that’s overdrawn or the unexpected bill that came in the mail – it’s difficult to ignore those feelings and yet it’s those exact feelings that bring more of those things to us.

    The Law of Attraction states that what you think about, comes about. In other words your thoughts, feelings and beliefs are what create your current reality. The traffic that stood in your way of arriving to work on time or the surprise debit that made your bank account show a negative balance, is showing up NOW because of the thoughts and feelings you had yesterday. If you’re not grateful for what you have TODAY, you will reap what you sow tomorrow.

    The fastest and easiest way to change your future is to appreciate what you have today. Each morning before I get out of bed, I lay there and think of all the things I’m grateful for. My beautiful family, a warm bed to sleep in, the amazing people in my life and so much more. Making this a habit each morning is how I create my day ahead of time. As my feet hit the floor – and with each step I take – I make it another habit to say Thank You as I move through the house. By the time I’ve finished showering, I bet I’ve said "Thank You" a hundred times. Not only does this put me in a GREAT mood but I’m also emitting a vibrational frequency that can only bring me more of what matches that frequency.


    Remember, Like Attracts Like.

    In our Secret Inner Circle Facebook group, we are experiencing the power of gratitude in all of its glory. Ah-ha moments are being realized, lives are being reshaped and the momentum is building for all of those who participate in our weekly assignments. 

    Gratitude attracts what we want. The universal Law of Attraction says that we will attract into our life the things we think about and focus on. Since this is true, wouldn’t you want more of what you are thankful for? Remember that when you are consciously aware of your blessings, and are grateful for them, you are focusing more clearly on what you do want in your life – and are attracting more of those things into your life.

    I will leave you with this….

    Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.

    It turns what we have into enough and more.

    It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into clarity, problems into gifts and failures into success.

    Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

    Make today a GREAT day my friends!

  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel watching porn. He say's that he is not attracted to her. At this point this is will either modivate her to make some changes, again, depending on the intention or this will simply remind her of what she already feels about herself and she sinks even furth...  more
    November 8, 2011
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel of the low self-esteem and work passed this, she will never fully be able to make the changes she desires because the stronger of the to creates the most energy and this is the energy that will manifest the greatest. This is also based on personal belief,...  more
    November 8, 2011
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel The law of attraction is a tricky thing, and from my experience it is mostly based on the deeper energy within, unless you can get all aspects of this to connect together,lol. The strongest energy seems to typically win. But this is just my experience of ...  more
    November 8, 2011
  • Tami Gomez
    Tami Gomez Mystic Angel - Thank you for taking the time to give us your opinion on this topic. I love that you feel comfortable enough to share it with all of us. I hope you keep using your powerful voice to spread your message!
    November 8, 2011