Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev Robert Fuller

Have you been lied to again?


    Prior to the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars our President at the time promised the American people "This war will not become another Vietnam"

    Iraq Coalition Military Fatalities By Year

    Year    US UK Other Total

    2003   486    53  41   580

    2004   849    22  35   906

    2005   846    23  28   897

    2006   822    29  21   872

    2007   904    47  10   961

    2008   314     4     4   322

    2009   149     1     0   150

    2010     20     0     0     20

    Total 4390 179 139 4708

    Afghanistan Coalition Military Fatalities By Year

    Year     US UK Other Total

    2001     12     0     0    12

    2002     49     3   17    69

    2003     48     0     9    57

    2004     52     1     7    60

    2005     99     1   31   131

    2006     98   39   54   191

    2007   117   42   73   232

    2008   155   51   89   295

    2009   316 108   96   520

    2010     97   36   23   156

    Total 1043 281 399 1723

    9 years later, with no end in site, and a total of 6,431 dead young men and women, 5,433 of those dead are America's sons, daughters and husbands. I have to ask the question, were we lied to again?

    Just a question from an Old Preacher

    Rev Robert Fuller