Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Bishop Andrew Benet M.Div.Cert.Ed. H.O.S.M.M

Are you a follower of Jesus?

  • Are you a follower of Jesus?
    At baptism you were blessed with holy water, marked with the sign of the Cross and your life was committed to Jesus Christ. Are you still His follower?

    Jesus asks, "Will you go away as many have,
    or will you follow me?" What is your answer?

    This question needs to be asked, since many Christians ignore or deny Jesus. Others are too busy to pray and to go to church. Many more don’t care to follow His commandments.

    Jesus asks you as He asked Peter, "Do you love me?"
    Can you answer, "Yes Lord, You know I do."

    Where do you stand?
    Is your answer: Jesus I love you and will follow wherever you lead me.
    Or is your answer: Jesus I will not follow you, nor will I serve you.

    Focus on what is really important… to follow Jesus. You will gain the friendship and the love of God...for all eternity!

    But there is a cost if you try to follow Jesus
    If you love Jesus you need to keep His commandments… not always easy.
    You may lose friends or even a job if you don’t go along with the crowd.

    If you are a follower of Christ... expect some conflict with our secular society. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the courage to tell the truth, to make your voice heard and to be the person you claim to be... a follower of Christ Jesus.

    To follow Christ, God wants you to:

    • speak about Christ to those who don't know Him
    • reflect Christ's love to those who need His love

    You will preach Christ by the way you treat other people. You will make Christ real to a doubting world.

    When you follow Christ, people will see the Peace of Christ in your life, and they will think about their own lives. Many will want what you have. Others will have their faith strengthened.

    To experience a deep love for Jesus, there can be no conditions. You must journey on the road Jesus has planned for you... just as He journeyed on the road to His crucifixion and death.

    Trust the Lord

    God’s plan for you might lead you down a difficult path — one that you would rather not take.

    You might have serious health or financial problems. There could be troubles with family members.

    But God will be with you and He won’t give you a cross that, together, you can’t handle.

    Continue to trust God and to believe that He is with you at every step of your journey.

    Hold fast to Christ’s promise of your resurrection and future life with Him, and there will be peace in your heart.

    To carry out God’s plan:

    • Ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life
    • Ask Mary how you can please her Son
    • Ask your favorite saint to help you

    You don’t know how God is going to use you, so in Quiet Time ask Jesus, “Show me what you want me to do, Lord, and I will do it.”

    You might add, “But I will need your help.”

    Your life can make a difference... not only in the lives of your family and friends, but in the lives of people you don't know. This is your gift to Jesus.