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Jay Olson

Free to Fly


    When I was a little bird; living in a nest.

    I learned to fly and when I did, I headed for the West.

    The sky was blue, with winds so fair, the trip a pleasant one.

    I flew so high while traveling far; my guide, it was the sun.


    I landed in a redwood tree that climbed up to the sky.

    It grew so high, so straight, and true, it made me wonder why.

    The answer didn't matter much, because it was a tree.

    What mattered more was if it was a proper home for me.


    The view from up atop the tree was beautiful indeed.

    I saw the land below me; spread out next to the sea.

    So here I sit upon the branch, prepared to build a nest.

    It never would have happened if I hadn’t flown west.~Jay Olson

  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG I would send this to my grand children, simple with a message.....you got a talent there brother Jay...... :-)
    April 6, 2013 - 1 likes this
  • Jay Olson
    Jay Olson Feel free to send it to them Jean-Guy. I may do the same when and if I have Grandchildren. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement.
    April 6, 2013