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Jay Olson

Just a Moment


    "Just a moment" was something I heard in my mind.

    Just a moment is only a fragment of time.

    A moment is only one instant, it's fleeting and brief.

    Sometimes that instant is joy and sometimes it’s grief.


    A moment in time can be quick as a wink, or done in a snap.

    It may last much longer, like a well-deserved afternoon nap.

    "Just a moment", I’m told by a sound that I hear.

    "This thought is recorded for training." says a voice in my ear.



    Never let it be said that you choose to have thoughts in your head.

    It happens to everyone every so often; it's been said.

    Sometimes a thought will linger and spend a whole day.

    Some last "Just a moment" then quietly go on their way.


    When a moment is happening inside my overworked head,

     I pay it no heed, not a thought; I treat it neither with joy nor with dread.

    It's only a fragment of time that is passing on through.

    It's only "just a moment" and there's nothing else to do.~Jay Olson

  • NCO, Father  Carl
    NCO, Father Carl ok?
    April 11, 2013 - 1 likes this
  • NCO, Father  Carl
    NCO, Father Carl Just wondering how come you are not friends with anyone on here and all you do is write blogs. Just wondering???
    April 11, 2013 - 1 likes this
  • Jay Olson
    Jay Olson NCO Cardinal Carl. There are people on this site who I communicate with. I just do not choose to collect and count friends as one might do on face book or the like. I was not aware that having "friends " was a requirement to sharing thoughts. On a l...  more
    April 11, 2013 - 1 likes this
  • NCO, Father  Carl
    NCO, Father Carl Tha'ts cool i was just wondering
    April 11, 2013 - 1 likes this