Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

Today is Now

  • The morning fog has lifted, and clouds have drifted on.
    The sun is warming up my yard, a springtime day  begins.
    This day before me promises to warm my very core.
    It's wonderful to breathe today. How could I ask for more?


    There's music running through my brain, a song I cannot place.
    It matters not; the song I hear brings a smile unto my face.
    I'm cheerful and it’s good to feel that everything is right.
    The sunshine takes away all thoughts that haunt me in the dead of night.


    The lilacs bloom in my backyard while birds announce the dawn.
    Glistening dew, like vintage wine, baptized my fresh green lawn.
    The newts they scurry back and forth as busy as can be.
    This day has started out so fine, it seems so right to me.


    Days like this, I've seen before, and hope to see again.
    It's sure to happen often but I never know just when.
    I'll enjoy my time right now, there is no guarantee.
    Will I enjoy the blessed day?  Or will I cease to be?


    Listen to the springtime sounds, they're out there all around.
    See the beauty bursting forth, the splendor truly does abound.
    Waste no time this fine blue day, there's something in the breeze.
    It's something magic, moving, blowing, flying through the trees.~Jay Olson