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Jay Olson

No Fish Today


    'Tis a fine day to fry a fish; was the thought that crossed my mind.
    To find a fish that I might fry has proven very hard to find.
    I called and called throughout the day, I called out loud and clear.
    But never was my offer taken, no fish around would volunteer.


    I built a fire with apple wood and made my skillet hot and red.
    The melted bacon grease, it smoked, the fumes swirled round my head.
    "Fishy, fishy in the brook…” an anglers prayer, I'd heard was good.
    Did not bring a fish to me; it did not work the way it should.


    What shall I do to fry a fish, a fish I haven't got?
    Perhaps in case no fish is fried, I'll put some veggies in a pot.
    I'll make a broth with onions, and add some mushrooms too.

    If I can't fry some fish today, why then I'll settle for some stew.


    'Twas a fine day to fry a fish I said, but not a fish have I.
    I fished all day without a strike beneath an azure sky.
    So stew it is for me tonight, I'll dine with bowl and spoon.
    I'll dream of fish upon my hook and hope to fry some soon.~Jay Olson

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