Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

Lessons of Gravity

  • Pulled from both sides,

    Taffy has it better than that.

    Stretched beyond the limits,

    Outer limits have no boundary.

    Listening to excuses given,

    Claims of happiness fool no one.

    Pride is stepping up to bat.

    Spring fever hits below the belt.

    Longer days make darkness obsolete.

    Don’t tell me what happened yesterday,

    Give me todays events tomorrow.

    Lift me up gently let me down sometime.

    Never lonely when it’s light.

    Years go by faster than the freeway at five.

    Getting older but still alive.

    How long can it last before something gives?

    When did it start anyway?

    It’s been too long since dawn.

    Quarter past noon is history now

    The night is always too long for some.

    Not enough time in the day for the rest of us.

     Later than sooner or vice versa.

    Pulled from both sides till they meet in the middle.

    Entertainment commences in five minutes.~Jay Olson