Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

Encouraging Signs of Things to Come


    Breaking the surface with colors ablaze,
    The flowers of springtime begin springtime days.
    The long nights of winter are in the rear mirror.
    Glorious summertime soon will be here.

    Pack up the overcoats; put them away.
    I'm getting the urge to go fishing today.
    The ice covered lakes are a thing of the past.
    The rowboats will take us cruising; at last!

    The hyacinths are blooming outside of my door.
    There are only a few, but there's sure to be more.
    Where ever I look is a new sign of spring.
    It makes the bees buzz and helps the birds sing.

    I've scrubbed all the rust from the BBQ grill.
    The thought of smoked spare ribs gives me a chill.
    But I live in Wisconsin; there's one thing I know.
    I could wake up tomorrow to three feet of snow.~Jay Olson