Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Jay Olson

Flying is Nice

  • In the cool of the evening a winter moon rises slowly into the starlit sky. Shrinking as it rises, casting a shadow, painting a picture before my very eye. This is the glory of winter in its deepest and most powerful grip. Mother Earth is hurtling through space like a majestic, captain-less, ship. This is the time for spending indoors--the flames of the fire melting the cold. This is when stories of places and people are quietly told. The curtains are drawn, the door shuttered tight--the dogs all lie in their bed. Dreams for this evening are getting in line for their appearance inside of my head. There are times that I dream of the folks that I know--I see them during the day. Some nights the people that visit my dreams have long ago passed on their way. It's a long dark walk from the dusk to the dawn--why travel without any light? I travel with kindred spirits and things that sometimes go bump in the night. The sun disappears from my vision and the stars pop into my sight. My eyelids are heavy as boulders and my fantasy starts to take flight. I lay with my head on a pillow and my mind drifts slowly away. Now is the time for reflection of the things that have happened today. There's a sweet lullaby that rings in my ears and puts me gently to sleep. There are spirits of those, both dead and alive that I am about to meet. Turn out the lights and hold on for dear life--the trip is about to unfold It's pleasant and peaceful--it's wild and woolly--it's a story about to be told. All of these things that I tell you about have happened while lying in bed. They only took a few minutes of time to unfold inside of my head. You may call me a mystic, a dreamer, a fool--I swear that everything's true. It may sound fantastic but keep this in mind--it could some night happen to you.~Jay O.