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Jay Olson

The Quiet Noise

  • I can hear the silence--it cuts like a surgeons blade. The emptiness echoes throughout the land--through every valley and glade. Time stands still as the fresh fallen snow settles on frozen tree. The wind stands down like an army at rest--a beautiful sight to see. The night falls quickly upon me--the temperature takes a dive. The deer and rabbits seek shelter in order to stay alive. The moon is rising in the sky--it is casting a shimmering light. The stars are making their entrance--they are twinkling into the night. The rivers are frozen and covered with snow--icicles shimmer and shine. The forest is quiet this evening--it's a mystical magical time. No hustle or bustle or troublesome cares exist in this peaceful abode. Tranquility rules in this harbor of peace--this place off the well travelled road. I can hear the silence--it calls out my name, it calls out my name in the night. It calls to my soul with a beckoning song that sings of a warm shining light. The evening silence that covers the ground is white and perfectly still. I have always loved the silence of night and I know that I always will.~Jay O.